Chapter 18

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"Alright hon, it's time to go home." Somi is hovering above her, where Roseanne is half asleep in her chair.

She went from feeling like she could crawl out of her chair and fight a fucking tiger, to feeling like looking from side to side might slosh her brain out of her head.

"I'm okay," Roseanne says, her stomach a little grumbly.

"No, you're drunk, we need to get you home. Do you want me to call you a car? They have accessible Lyft's here."

"No," Roseanne shakes her head. "No I - I can wait till you guys go home, you brought the van and everything."

Somi sighs, Roseanne thinks if she was feeling better she might be a little sad about it. "We're going to another bar outside of town and the boys wanna hotbox the van, but we want to get you home first. I can call Lisa, she'll come get you."

Roseanne sits up. "Not her, I - I don't want to interrupt her date."

"Okay, then who? I'll drive you back if you want but..."

"No, no, don't ruin your night for me. I'll call..." Roseanne pulls up her phone and unlocks it. She scrolls through her contacts and finds the name she wants "Sana, she'll come."

"Okay, you do that and I'll go get you a glass of water."

All she can do is nod as Somi walks away. Roseanne won't be difficult. She won't pout or or apologize - she won't get in the way.

The phone rings three times before Sana answers. "Roseanne? Everything okay?"

Roseanne exhales. "Yeah, sorry...sorry it's late."

"S'okay, do you need something?"

The room to stop spinning, is what she doesn't say. "I need a ride home."

"Okay," Sana says so immediately that Roseanne can't handle it. She's never had people before. "You said Wild Wolf right?"

Her bottom lip is quivering, god she's so fucking drunk. "Yeah."

"Roseanne? Are you okay?"

She sniffles as Somi sets a water glass down in front of her. Fuck she has...people. "I'm good. I love you Sana."

Sana laughs softly on the other end. "Love you too, Roseanne. Just hold tight okay, we're on our way."

"Okay," she hangs up and sets her phone in her lap.

"Drink," Somi says, gesturing to the water. Roseanne sighs and picks it up, swallowing down a large gulp. "Ah, all of it." Roseanne lets out an even bigger, more dramatic sigh before finishing the rest of the water.

Her arms feel all tingly and weird, like they're not really attached to her body. It's not the most unpleasant feeling in the world.

"Are we ready to go?" Mingyu asks as he comes up to them. "Roseanne you good?"

She looks up at him and smiles. "I am, my ride is coming."

Mingyu chuckles. "Sweet, I'm glad you came out tonight. We should do it again soon."

He sounds so genuine, so kind...maybe she doesn't want to date him, but she really likes him and his friends. "I'd like that, maybe next time I won't drink myself into a stupor before midnight."

"No stress, we all have to learn our limits. We'll pace it out next time." Mingyu looks at Somi. "So, we ready?"

Somi seems to hesitate, looking at Roseanne. "I'm okay," Roseanne says. "Sana will be here soon, I promise."

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