the butcher and his knife

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Elise's P.O.V:

There's a knock at the door, AT FOUR IN THE MORNING WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. I calm myself down as I have only just woke up from my slumber, my beautiful slumber. I expected a teenage boy being a troll... Id that what they call it, but anyway it's not a boy it's no one theres no one here I yell " who the hell dares to awake me from my sleep to drop off a package a lousy package" anyway I bring In the stupid package. I open it up and there ground up meat in it I realize that it is from Ivan I think in my head " oh a present from Ivan cool" there's a small note and it reads "to my dead sis" then underneath it says "dear* and have fun with Joshua's meat" I unfold the note eager to see what it says then I wish I never read that, I drop the note and then scream...

Ivan's P.O.V:

She has probably opened the note up and gone in shock I started to laugh, with a sort of diabolical tinge to my evil menacing laugh.

Elise's P.O.V:

I scream at the words of the note, how could Ivan say that it's just cruel and mean and tight fisted. There's another knock at the door, I didn't want to open it since I was still in shock but I open the door anyway expecting Ivan to come, and to kill me I open it unhurriedly and... Look who it is IT'S IVAN I scream.

Ivan's P.O.V:

"IT'S IVAN" I slice her arm and she squeels like the wimp that she is then I say "your dead body will be buried in the ground with your bloody corpse" she says to me no she howls and sobs to me "answer me one question why?" "I did it because I butchered so many jokes that I slightly became insane you daft cow" she then goes into shock shaking and having a seizure, blood is sprea all over the floor gushing out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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