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Chapter 8:

The air in the room felt thick and suffocating, each breath a struggle. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to process what was happening. The voices around me blurred, and a low ringing filled my ears, making everything feel distant and unreal.

Why are they here? What do they know? Oh God, they know.

I forced myself to walk toward the two men standing in my parents' living room. They rose to greet me as I approached, both of them flashing their badges in that typical FBI fashion that you see in the movies. The younger one—Agent Boyd, I think—gave me a look that made my skin crawl, his sharp blue eyes taking in every detail from my pointed toe pumps to my amber eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Stacey," the older agent said, his voice gruff but not unkind. "I'm Agent Robert McDoyle, and this is Agent Thomas Boyd."

I nodded, trying to stay calm, but my hands were clammy, and I couldn't stop fidgeting. My parents were sitting on the sofa, their hands clasped tightly together. They looked determined, like they were ready to stand up for me no matter what, but I could see the worry in their eyes. I could feel it too, creeping into my chest and making it hard to breathe.

"Please, have a seat," Agent McDoyle said, gesturing to a chair across from them. I sat down, my heart pounding so loud I was sure they could hear it.

"We won't beat around the bush," McDoyle continued. "The reason we're here is that we have good reason to believe you may have information about some dangerous individuals."

Dangerous individuals? My mind raced, trying to figure out what they were talking about. I grabbed the armrests of the chair, my palms slick with sweat. "I'm sorry, I'm not following."

The agents exchanged a glance, and that only made my anxiety spike. Agent Boyd leaned forward, his expression serious. "Your mother mentioned that you've been seeing a man named Alex."

I froze. The room seemed to tilt on its axis as my stomach dropped. Oh no. Oh God, no.

"Alex is an extremely dangerous man, Miss Stacey," Boyd said, his voice low and firm. "He's one of the most powerful kingpins we've ever seen in decades. Since taking over his father's organization, he's tripled its revenue and influence. He's ruthless, efficient, and keeps his hands clean—rarely seen in public, never caught on tape, practically untouchable. We can't tap his phones, can't access any computer files. He's a ghost, but a very dangerous one."

I couldn't breathe. My worst fears were coming true. I had suspected Alex was dangerous, but this? I had no idea just how deep it went. And now, I was tangled up in it. My instincts had screamed at me to stay away, but I hadn't listened. And now look where it got me.

If everything these agents were saying was true—and I had no reason to doubt them—then I was in way over my head. I couldn't be involved with a man like that, but I also knew that walking away wasn't an option. Alex wouldn't just let me go. And even if I wanted to help the FBI, what could I offer them? Alex never talked business around me. He was careful. Calculated.

But... there was one thing. The memory of those two men slumped on the alley floor flashed in my mind. I might have seen Alex kill them. Could that be enough to get me out of this? Or would it just put a target on my back?

"I'm invoking my right to remain silent," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I looked each agent in the eye, making my decision.

McDoyle sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Invoke all the rights you want, Miss Stacey, but it doesn't change the fact that your mother and father gave us access to their accounts."

Devil's Desire {A BWLM Novella}Where stories live. Discover now