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Chapter 9: Into the Void

Everything in my life—the heartbreak, the disappointments, the broken trust with my parents—it all led me to this moment. A moment where there was no turning back, no escaping the path I'd chosen. Or maybe, the path that had chosen me. I jumped into the void, and that void had a name. Santiago. Not Alex. Santiago De La Cruz.

Returning to him wasn't just about fear, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise. The dark truth I fought to keep hidden even from myself was, he fascinated me. His touch, his presence, it awakened something primal in me. Something I hadn't even realized was there. A need, a longing that I couldn't resist.

My parents had begged me to stay, to let the FBI help me, but I'd made my decision. I was no longer just their daughter. I was a woman now, capable of making my own choices—even if they led me straight into darkness. And Santiago... he was like a siren, calling me to crash on the rocks. But I couldn't turn away, no matter how much my instincts screamed at me to run.

As I crossed the threshold of the SUV, tears pricked at my eyes. I knew what I was sacrificing—my relationship with my parents, the people who had always been there for me. And for what? For a man who rewarded my loyalty with a kiss that set my skin on fire, his hands tracing my body like he owned every inch of it. His touch burned through the fabric of my bra, and when his lips found mine, I felt that familiar spark, the one that made me forget everything else. But just as quickly as it started, it was over, leaving me breathless and confused.

"My name is Santiago De La Cruz," he said, breaking the silence. "Not Alex."

I blinked, trying to process the revelation. He was finally telling me something real. Or was he?

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He gave me a faint smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Because I didn't know if I could trust you. I couldn't have you singing my identity to the first FBI agent you came across."

"Why? Who are you? Are you really a criminal?"

His finger traced my bottom lip, sending a shiver down my spine. "I'll tell you everything in due time. Just trust me. I'll never hurt you. Okay?"

I nodded, even though I didn't believe him. How could I? He'd lied to me before. The FBI agents said he was a criminal, a kingpin. And he hadn't denied it. Was I crazy for staying? Probably. But what choice did I have now? There was no turning back. Not anymore.

What am I getting myself into?

That question echoed in my mind as we pulled up to The Hidden Gem, a restaurant on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't just any restaurant—this was a three-star Michelin place, the kind of spot chefs like me dreamed about. And Santiago had paid to have the whole place cleared out for his meeting.

When he helped me out of the car, his hand warm and firm on my back, I couldn't help but feel a little thrill. I was finally going to eat here, and that excitement sparked something inside me. I looked up at him, my eyes probably giving away how impressed I was. If there was one thing I couldn't resist, it was fine dining.

The restaurant itself was breathtaking—crystal chandeliers, elegant decor, everything a blend of classic and modern. But when we walked in, I wasn't expecting to see a fifty-something woman sitting at a table, sipping tea. Her chestnut hair was pulled back in a sleek bun, and her makeup was flawless. When she saw Santiago, her face lit up with a smile that looked genuine. "Santi, it's been too long," she said, standing up to embrace him.

I couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy. This woman was gorgeous, confident, and had that look about her—like she knew exactly who she was and what she wanted. Had he been with her before? Was she one of those women in his past, or maybe even his present? The thought made my stomach twist.

But then Santiago introduced me. "Rosa, I'd like you to meet my fiancée, Athena Stacey."

Her brown eyes widened in surprise, and then a warm smile spread across her red-painted lips. And then she did something that took me completely off guard—she reached up and pinched Santiago's cheeks, making him grin like a little boy. That's when I realized there was nothing romantic between them. The way she treated him was almost... motherly.

"Oh, I am so happy for you, Santi," Rosa said, pulling me into a bear hug before I could even process what was happening. Her perfume surrounded me, a soft, expensive scent. "Such a beautiful girl," she said, patting my hips in a way that made me blush. "And healthy. She's going to carry your babies well."

I wanted to melt into the floor. Babies? Was that what Santiago saw when he looked at me—a broodmare? I glanced at him, and the way he was eyeing me made my skin tingle. His gaze was intense, possessive, like he couldn't wait to make Rosa's prediction come true. "Don't. I. Know. It," he said, his voice low and full of meaning.

I didn't have time to dwell on it, though, because Rosa was already ushering us to the table. "Come, come, let's sit and enjoy lunch."

As we sat down near a window, Santiago asked about "the girls." I frowned, trying to figure out who they were. Rosa didn't have a ring on her finger, and she didn't look like someone who had kids. Her figure was too perfect, her nails too pristine. But the grey in her hair told me she wasn't as young as she looked.

"The girls are fine," Rosa replied.

"Sylvia got the money?" Santiago asked and Rosa nodded. "Do the others know?"

"No, we've kept it quiet. Under the table."

"Good," he said, but then he leaned in, his expression turning serious. "So why did you want to meet up if everything's fine?"

Rosa hesitated, then grabbed his hand, her eyes pleading. "I need a favor, Santi." He didn't say anything, just waited for her to continue. "An old friend of mine got scammed out of a million dollars from his retirement. It's a whole operation targeting seniors. They're good, Santi. Really good."

He pulled his hand away from hers, sighing. My eyes caught the glint of his gold ring—rubies forming the shape of a snake wrapped around a sword. The same insignia I'd seen before. "Rosa, what exactly are you asking of me?"

"Find out who they are. Maybe Ingrid—"

He cut her off with a raised hand. "Let me stop you right there. Going after scammers is risky business. If there's a data breach, the damage could be catastrophic."

"I understand, Santi, but do you remember when you were just a boy—"

"Don't try to manipulate me, Rosa," he snapped, pointing a finger at her. His tone was sharp, like a whip cracking through the air. I flinched at the sound. He'd never spoken to me like that, and I was grateful for it. But Rosa wasn't so lucky. Her eyes widened with fear.

Just then, the waitress appeared, trying to break the tension. "Good afternoon, and welcome to The Hidden Gem. May I take your orders?" Her eyes landed on Santiago, and I saw her cheeks flush. I couldn't blame her. His presence was overwhelming, magnetic. Just like it had been for me.

"I'll have the lobster kebab, isot pepper, and spiced lobster bisque," I said, trying to steer the conversation back to something normal. The waitress scribbled it down without making eye contact.

"Nothing for me," Santiago said, his attention still on Rosa. She squirmed under his gaze, clearly struggling to hold her composure.

I decided to ease the tension. "So, what about when Santi was a boy?"

Rosa looked relieved as Santiago turned to me. "I was working at the Cat House when Santiago's father entrusted me to watch him and Roman. Because their mother—"

"Cat House? What's that?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Rosa giggled. "I'm the Madam of the Cat House," she said, as if that explained everything. When I still looked lost, she laughed again, this time more delicately. "Oh, Santi, how young is she?"

Santiago cleared his throat, clearly not in the mood for reminiscing. "I didn't come here to take a trip down memory lane, Rosa. I'll write a check for your old friend. If that's what you want. But that's all I'm willing to do. Take it or leave it."

His tone left no room for negotiation, and Rosa knew it. She nodded, grabbing his hand again. "Thank you, Santi. Your kindness is appreciated." Then she kissed his ring like she was in some mafia movie. I stared, feeling like I'd just walked into The Godfather or something.

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