Floating Locos

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(Based on an idea by bookoflifefan28.)

The Island of Sodor is connected to the Mainland, the United Kingdom via the Vicarstown Bridge.

(Duck, Oliver, Toad and Whiff can be seen travelling the Island, and Connor and Caitlin can be seen crossing the bridge.) 

Beyond the Island is another island, normally hard to see due to a misty horizon beyond the Brendam Dockyards. This island is called Misty Island and is the home of the Logging Loco engines, Bash, Dash and Ferdinand. 

Bash and Dash are twin tank engines and Ferdinand is a tender engine, and all three of them use oil as fuel instead of coal, just like Timothy. They all work together at the logging yards on Misty Island.

The Logging Locos used to be able to travel to and from Sodor through a tunnel that led out to the Search and Rescue Centre. However, the Fat Controller had to close down the tunnel after it became apparent that the smoke from the engines in the dense air made it dangerous to go in. 

Since then, the Logging Locos had to say their goodbyes to Thomas and his friends and have remained on Misty Island since. Sometimes, they miss their friends on Sodor, particularly Thomas. 

One day, Bash and Dash were travelling along the outskirts of the Island to collect some Jobi Wood. But as they went, they spotted something near the shores. 

"What's that?" asked Bash. 

"I don't know," replied Dash. 

On closer inspection, the twins found that the thing they saw was a raft, with rails attached to it. 

"Isn't that the platform that Thomas came to Misty Island on?" asked Bash. 

"I think it is," said Dash. 

Just then, a mutual idea sprang into their funnels. 

"We can use this raft-!" 

"-To travel to Sodor!" 

"That's right!" 

Ferdinand had pulled up and was getting excited too. 

"There won't be room for all of us," said Bash. 

"We can make it bigger," said Dash. 

"To the logging yard!" declared Ferdinand. 

The Logging Locos had some workmen make the raft bigger by attaching more parts to it made from collected Jobi Wood. 

By the time it was done, there was room on the raft to fit all three Logging Locos onto it. 

"Let's take it out to sea!" 

And so they did. But this was a mistake. The Logging Locos didn't know how dangerous it was to travel the sea on a small raft. It was lucky for Thomas as it was to not have sunk in the sea all those years ago. 

Soon, the Logging Locos pushed the raft into the water and quickly boarded it as it began to float away to sea. 

Meanwhile, on Sodor, Harold the Helicopter was flying around to look out for any trouble. 

"All present and correct around here," he said, "maybe there are some surfers in trouble at the coast." 

So Harold flew out to the edge of the Island and looked around for any people lost at sea. 

As for the Logging Locos, they were soon beginning to face the dangers of their situation. Their weight made the raft wobble terribly and soon the twins' faces were turning green. 

"This is not right," said Ferdinand nervously, "my wheels are starting to get wet." 

"I feel seasick," moaned Bash. 

"Me too," groaned Dash. 

Then they heard a buzzing noise from above. It was Harold. 

Harold saw them as he went slightly beyond the horizon and was shocked to see three steam engines floating out to sea. 

"Gracious me, this is definitely an emergency!" 

His Pilot radioed the Search and Rescue Centre and Captain was sent out to help with the rescue operation. 

Thomas was there and was shocked to hear that three engines were lost at sea. 

"We must rescue them!" 

Thomas rushed to the Docks to view the sea. 

Harold and Captain soon reached the Logging Locos and Captain was attached to the raft. 

"It's still dangerous to pull you all back," he said, "this raft could tip you off at any moment." 

Harold dropped some chains and they were placed under and around the raft to stop it from tipping. 

Then together, Captain and Harold began their trip back to the shore with the Logging Locos. 

The Fat Controller and Lady Hatt were soon at the Docks too when they were told what had happened. 

"Any sign, Thomas?" asked the Fat Controller. 

"They're coming now, sir," said Thomas, "my! It's the Logging Locos!" 

"The Logging Locos?" gasped Lady Hatt. 

"The Logging Locos?!" echoed the Fat Controller. 

"The Logging Locos?!" gasped Percy and James. 

Soon, Harold and Captain got the raft to shore and Cranky, Carly and Big Mickey lifted the three engines to the rails. 

"Ohhh," moaned Bash. 

"Ooooh," groaned Dash. 

"Good ol' terra firma," grumbled Ferdinand. 

"What were you three doing out to sea on that sorry excuse for a raft?!" shouted the Fat Controller. 

"We're sorry, sir," said Bash. 

"We just missed everyone on Sodor," explained Dash. 

"We wanted to see Thomas and the others again." 

"And so we tried to sail to Sodor on the raft." 

"That's right," confirmed Ferdinand. 

"I understand how you feel," said the Fat Controller, "but nothing is worth the risk of sinking to the bottom of the sea. You three could have suffered a fate worse than scrap!" 

The Logging Locos understood what he meant. 

"But it's lovely to have you back," said Thomas reassuringly. 

"You may have to go back to the solitude of Misty Island," said the Fat Controller, "but you are always welcome to come and visit now and again. We just need to arrange transport a different way. I can probably arrange for one of our cargo ships to collect you to visit a few times a year." 

"Oh, yes, sir," cried Bash. 

"Please, sir!" cheered Dash. 

"That's right and thank you, sir!" concluded Ferdinand. 

And so it was arranged and now the Logging Locos visit Sodor several times a year and are not half as lonely any more! 

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 10Where stories live. Discover now