Thomas the Time Engine

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(Inspired by an idea by bookoflife28) 

At an old windmill on Thomas' Branch Line, a lady lives there with her road engine named Cleo. Her name is Ruth the Inventor. 

Ruth has had many successful inventions and she often uses them to help out on the North Western Railway. 

One day, Thomas and Toby were using Ruth's Spectacular Bridge to cross the ravine. 

"Ruth did such a good job with this bridge," remarked Toby. 

"She is certainly Really Useful," agreed Thomas. 

"It was a smart thing of the Fat Controller to hire her to help out," said Toby. 

As the two engines left the bridge and parted ways, Thomas wondered if Ruth was planning on building another invention. 

"Maybe she can build a double-decker bus with wings," he said to himself, "or a traction engine that goes as fast as Jeremy the Jet!" 

"What's he talking about?" asked Stanley as he and Charlie passed him. 

"Maybe he's trying to make up a joke?" suggested Charlie. 

Soon, Thomas arrived at the workshop that Ruth built from the old windmill. She was busy sawing some wood and Cleo was watching. 

"Hello, Ruth, Cleo," tooted Thomas. 

"Hello there, Thomas," said Ruth, "what brings you here?" 

"I was just wondering if you were hard at work on another new invention," said Thomas keenly. 

"Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint, Thomas, but I'm not working on anything right now. Just sawing wood to light up the home when winter comes," said Ruth pleasantly. 

"But you're such a great inventor," said Thomas, "I'm surprised you haven't made an automatic fire, or maybe even something that no other inventor has succeeded in doing before." 

"Like what, Thomas?" 

"Well, you made the road plane...and the walking bridge...maybe you could make...ha! A time machine!" 

"A time machine?" giggled Cleo. 

"I'm afraid that's the one thing I can never invent, Thomas," smiled Ruth. 

"But why?" asked Thomas. 

"Because time is something no scientist has been able to work with," said Ruth, "there are just some things that not even inventors can do." 

Thomas was disappointed. 

(Whiff arrives to collect any rubbish from Ruth.) 

Later, he collected some trucks to take to the Docks. 

"It would be wonderful if Ruth Could build a time machine," he said softly, "it would be amazing to travel back in time, or even forward." 

As Thomas began daydreaming about running down the line, escaping a dinosaur and then spiralling to a railway run by only electric engines, he felt a big bump. 


Thomas became derailed. He had bumped into Rocky who was lifting James back onto the rails after he also had an accident. 

(Cranky, Carly, Big Mickey, the Dock Manager, Salty and Porter see everything. Edward and Emily can be seen too.)

Thomas' buffers were badly bent and his axles were in a terrible mess. 

"Oh, Thomas, are you alright?" asked Rocky. 

"Yes, but I think I'll need to go to the Steamworks," sighed Thomas. 

"You should have looked where you were going," snorted James. 

Thomas knew this was true and he sighed sadly. 

That evening, Thomas was resting in the Steamworks until his buffers and axles could be repaired. 

"The Fat Controller has sent for new axles, my friend," said Victor, "we'll have you back on your line in no time." 

"Thank you, Victor." 

Thomas sat sadly in the siding by the furnace, keeping warm and cosy. And soon he fell fast asleep. 

"Thomas, wake up!" cried Kevin suddenly. 

"Huh? What? What is it, Kevin?" 

"It's Ruth, she says she HAS made a time machine after all! She's gonna travel back with you to prevent your accident and then she said she wants to go and visit dinosaurs like the ones on the Earl's estate!" 

"Really?! Wow!" 

"Ready, Thomas?" asked Ruth. 

"Yes, please, Ruth!" 

Ruth stood in front of an engine-sized machine and Thomas reversed into it and then, by clicking some buttons and pulling a lever, the time machine zoomed backwards to earlier that day. 

"Watch out, Thomas!" shouted Ruth. 

Thomas applied his brakes and avoided his accident. 

"Phew!" he wheeshed. "Thank you, Ruth!" 

"Let's go and see those dinosaurs," she replied. 

And so they did. 


All they could hear was the roars of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and of a Spinosaurus. 

"They look just like the models on the Earl's estate," beamed Thomas. 

"It's as beautiful as I had imagined," added Ruth. 

Then there was trouble. 

Thomas had let off steam and that attracted the attention of the T-Rex. 



But before they could, the machine was stomped upon by the Spinosaurus. 


"We're trapped!" 

"We're done for!" 

Thomas clenched his eyes shut as he and Ruth were surrounded by the T-Rex, the Spinosaurus and some Velociraptors and... 

"Thomas! Thomas!" 

"Huh? What?!" 

Thomas looked around him. He saw that he was still in the Steamworks, but the night was over and the day had now begun. 

"You've been having a bad dream, my friend," explained Victor, "but not to worry now. Your new axles are here and your buffers have already been replaced." 

"Phew! Just a dream. Thank you, Victor." 

"Here are your axles, Thomas," said Kevin. 

And in no time at all, Thomas was in excellent condition once more. 

"Off you go and be Really Useful, Thomas," said Victor. 

"I shall, Victor," agreed Thomas. 

Later, Thomas went to see Ruth and Cleo again. 

(He passes Diesel, Percy, Gordon, Henry and Flynn on his way. Gordon's passengers include the Welsh Bird Watcher and one of Dowager Hatt's Friends.) 

"Hello, Thomas," said Ruth, "I heard about your accident. Are you alright?" 

"I am now," peeped Thomas, "but I've changed my mind about time machines. They're too dangerous!" 

"I'm glad you feel better about that," said Ruth. 

"Pity," said Cleo, "I'd have loved to see future versions of me running around." 

Thomas and Ruth giggled at that. 

"Time will tell, Cleo," said Thomas with a wink. 

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 10Where stories live. Discover now