5 | 'Cause human is what I am

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"Where do you want to go?"

Cynthia pursed her lips, hand reaching up to slide down her seatbelt, strapping herself securely to the leather coated passenger's seat. Before she could even think about the question throughly and decide where she would be targeted by eyes less, her tongue chose to do it for her, "...The river by the park," she blinked. then she blinked again, the river was definitely not the place if she was trying to avoid people, "I mean, I wish I could but Kai said to avoid places like these because they tend to have a lot of people...and that's what we don't want."

Jade smiled, his eyes although staring at the road before him, cautious not to put his or the producer's life into danger, still appearing fond, soft as he listened to Cynthia's voice instead of the melody playing in the lowest of tones on his radio.

"We'll go to the river then," he paid no regard to the producer's words, a sly smile to his face.

"Huh? no," Cynthia's eyes widened, flabbergasted and a bit flustered but choosing to remain quiet about it the best she could- yes, a bit dappy, but trying to maintain a cool demeanor.

"You wanted to go there, so we will," the singer shrugged like it had been the most obvious thing ever and it truly was, or would have been if it weren't for their undeniable statuses that could lead them into inevitable drama if they were seen together...especially when Cynthia couldn't exactly tell their relationship or what it exactly was because one moment they were normal and the next she could swear Jade talked to her like she had been the closest thing to one's heart.

But...Cynthia hadn't been able to see him much these past few days, swarmed with schedules and rehearsals that she could barely keep up with her already disorganized sleeping schedule that varied when her anxiety levels were unstable, so really, she didn't mind going anywhere if it had been with the other because he made her feel a different kind of way than anybody else did. Jade was sweet and soft, but also tough and put together, he was everything anyone could ask for in a person. Everything she could ask for in a person.

Jade could comfort, he could offer the sweetest of smiles, he could listen, he could speak out his thoughts perfectly; Jade could differentiate between words that could be used and ones that couldn't, Jade could hug, he could kiss softly-

"Are you sure?" Cynthia mumbled, snapping out of her trance immediately, "I don't want to get you into trouble," she bit the inside of her cheek, finally recognizing the roads they were taking because Jade was truly driving them to Cynthia's comfort place, the one she hadn't been able to visit ever since she began to get scared of stepping a foot outside her apartment.

"You wouldn't, Rosie," and a tiny pinch to the producer's cheek.

But despite the light mood and the blush that was beginning to dust her cheeks, she couldn't shake off that weird feeling of anxiety swarming her stomach till she grew nauseous.

She, however, chose to ignore it.

And she ignored it till she couldn't, till Jade parked the car at the very edge where nobody was present and it was just the two of them.

Jade let out a tiny gasp before reaching for the backseat where he pulled a white plastic bag, "Right! I got us drinks," he said, a hint of excitement to his voice as he dug his hand inside the bag to pull out five different types of canned drinks, "I didn't know which one you liked so...I got a bunch. There is an alcoholic one too in case you drink alcohol, I can't drink it 'cause I'll be driving," Jade smiled lightly, his eyes shining brightly under the moonlight seeping through his ever so slightly opened window to let the fresh air in.

"Do you drink alcohol?" he asked, never choosing a drink, waiting for Cynthia to pick her own first to then have whatever she left behind. Cynthia couldn't help the way her heart slightly melted at his gesture but she tried not to make it obvious past her rosy cheeks and giddy smile and she nodded slowly, reaching for the alcoholic drink Jade had purchased earlier, trying not to let the fact that Jade purchased a few drinks that he himself didn't like in case she did affect her.

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