49. Parí pt.2

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Y'all must've thought I died 🤣
I'm back though, so vote and comment 💋

Y'all must've thought I died 🤣I'm back though, so vote and comment 💋

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Bianca Perez
April 21st

My thumb hovers his contact feeling a surge of emotions and anxiety cover my body.

I'm so terrified of this man.
Do I actually want to call him?

I take a shakey breath and press on it.
It rings for a while, he doesn't answer so I try again. When he does his voice sounds deadly.

I sigh, "Umm..." I hesitate.

"Bianca talk before me hang up this." He barks.
I breathe,
"I'm pregnant."

The line goes silent, he hisses right after.
"So wah the fuck ya tell me that fah?"

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and wipe it away at his words, "Jav...we had a lot of unprotected sex, it's not impossible that it might be-"

He hangs up the phone on me, my heart drops.
I feel shame engulf me once again.

I feel the tears burn my eyes, I rest my head against the counter and cry. The positive pregnancy tests sitting before me.

All my past decisions revisit me, I start to regret each one.

Why do I keep making mistakes like this?

All I want is to do a DNA test, figure out who my babies father is. Semaj isn't answering me..
Javantae just hung up the phone in my face and Ace is out of the country.

Then again, after the way both of them are treating me, I'm terrified to even tell him I think it might be his.

He's the only one of the three that hasn't disrespected me, to my face at-least.

I stand up straight and wash off my face.
I walk back into my bedroom and sit on the bed curling up with pillows.

Maybe I should just abort it..
I cry even more as that thought enters my mind as the memory of the last time I did something like that revisits my mind.

My last abortion was six years ago.
I was only fifteen.

I was assaulted by one of Luke's friends at his house...he was much older than me. I had found comfort in him after what I'd been through.

I thought he cared for me, truly wanted something with me. But I was wrong.

I was naive to ever think a man would see anything with me past sex.

After all my step father used to tell me that's all I'd ever be. An easy fuck.

I begged him to stop when I realized I really couldn't manage him but he continued even when I tried to run. I felt no pleasure from it.

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