6. Resent

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When the flame hashira bid his farewell, both the owner of the estate and his only servant stood there under the shade. Pinning their eyes on the flame hashira who was bound the leave the estate. [Name] felt quite happy talking to the man, he gave out warmth as if he was the sun, and his extrovertedness made her feel comfortable around his presence. Though they both awkwardly spoke, she was still happy to have a small talk that was disturbed by silence.

Tengen stood there beside the new girl, as she was once again floating in her head. He noticed that by the corner of his eye, looking down at the girl who was shorter compared to him. He still remembered the interaction they both had in the silk shop, and he still remenisces about it to this day.

Though, there was something he could not admit - is that he listened to the conversation that she and the flame hashira had. A pang of jealousy had stabbed him through his chest, it was not like he was bothered by them both? right? he heard her voice that sounded like curiosity and intriguement at the short summary of how his good friend Rengoku ruptured his eardrums.

He had good hearing.

He was the sound hashira after all.

He wondered if you'd ask him in the same manner if he ever lost his eye or his arm. Oh, how comfortable and pleasing would it feel to hear her speak in another tone that was not the usual nonchalant one.

He originally thought of buying [Name] out to be his wife, but through his ways he learnt that she would want to get to know a man better before loving him as a partner. His body was thrilled with excitement as he daydreams the day he proposed, her flushed cheeks and her teary eyes as she says yes.

The girl let out a yawn that represented tiredness, after a long first day at work.

"Lord Tengen, I shall retire for the—"

"Do you like him?"

There was this odd feeling about him that [Name] could identify as jealousy, his voice was laced it as he asked her a mere question, forcing himself with a nonchalant tone. There was one thing nobody except [Name]'s master knew: She had strong empathy. She just doesn't know how to respond to it.

She turned her head at the man who just looked infront of him, not daring to meet her in the eyes.

"Not at all, we just met today and I consider him as an acquaintance. Why?" She looked at the same direction as he did, she held her own hand, fidgeting the ring she's had for years. "Nothing, It's just that you two seemed pretty close"

"That's impossible as it was just some curious small talk" She shrugged him off. "I'm gonna retire for tonight, Goodnight."

She spins her heel, walking to the hallway where her room was located. She passed by the room of the two siblings that the Uzuis newly adopted as their own, how easy for them to just take a child as if they were some stray kitten — especially if it's two. Their room was across hers, making bumping into them a high chance.

She slides the door to her own room, then closing it as her whole self was in.

The small window in her room lit up a small area of her room, to which she relied on to see properly. Changing her clothes, combing her hair before she laid down on the futon they had provided her.

Gazing at the moon that shined on her covered body.


        "Good Morning [Name]!" Suma greeted, still in her night wear. "You're up early"

It was five in the morning, [Name] had cooked them meals and washed the laundries that weren't finished yesterday and hang them in their backyard. Currently, she's sweeping of the leaves that fell off the branches on their front yard.

"Yea, I woke up early so I just decided to do my chores early." She replied to the sapphire eyed girl, who was obviously headed to take a bath. "I have already prepared meals for everyone"

Suma's eyes lit up with sparkles, as the new girl can recall from the chores list, Today was Suma's day to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. [Name] did breakfast since she knew they'd be leaving soon to shop for the two kids.

What were their names again?

"Thank you so much [Name]!!" she shook the girl by her shoulders hard, the servant stumbled back on the floor, her vision swimming as a wave of dizziness wasbed over her. "Ah! Sorry!" Suma helped the girl back up on her feet.

"You also cooked meals for Nario and Naoki right?"

Nario and Naoki were the names of the two kids that entered the estate yesterday, both are now being sheltered by the Uzuis and now also branded as their children. Good for them.

"Oh, yes, I did" she responded, still recovering from the kunoichi's shake. It's important to mind the fact that, Suma and the other wives are ninjas, and ninjas have skills and are stronger than normal human's like [Name].

"Yay! Thanks again [Name]!" Suma waved her hand as she heads of the bathing room, leaving the girl alone once again outside. She continued to sweep her the leaves.

"[Name]" another voice of a woma calls out, it was the smart Hinatsuru along with the fierce Makio, both on their way to the bathing room. "Have you seen Suma?" The violet eyed woman asked the servant girl.

[Name] stopped sweeping to reply, "Yea, she was heading to the bathing room just now."

"Oh, Thanks" the beautiful woman gave [Name] a soft smile before she and her wife left the servant alone.

After she was finished sweeping the grounds, that were bound to be dropped of leaves again, she noticed two siblings wandering around, lost. It was a huge estate after all. Their eyes met with (e/c) ones, that had them move their own feet to approach the  servant.

"Sister, Do you know where moms and dad are?" The older one, the girl asked as the boy hid behind her clutching the sleeve of her clothing.

Moms and dad, The wives and Tengen.

"Ah, Your moms are bathing and your dad is... I haven't seen him today."

The girl nodded in response, she could recall that she was the one who made the cold remedy last night that had made both her and her brother feel a lot better when they woke and also the one who opened the gate for them both. "What's your name, sister?"

"[Name]" She replied, "I'm Naoki, and this Nario"

"It's nice to meet talk to you properly..." a hint of resentment mixed with appreciation was in Naoki's tone as she talks to the servant woman. She resented her a bit, for taking so long to react, she thought of her as a slow minded woman. But appreciative for the cold remedy. She was not sure how to feel about the servant.

"Right," [Name]'s eyes look away for a bit, giving an unsure look on her face with one of her eyes squinting. Which Naoki took as an offense, and letting out a tsk before turning back to look for the bathing room herself.

[Name] knew how she felt about her reaction, but it didn't matter. It wasn't her priority to care what people thought of her.

She still has a goal.

Return home.

        A week had passed.

Naoki was not the biggest fan of their servant, [Name]. She found it weird on how her new father was extremely affectionate to her, when they came back from shopping new clothes for her and her younger brother Naori. The sound hashira bought her an expensive hairpin. The servant. An expensive hairpin.

He would often comb her hair with his own fingers, infront of his wives.


Naoki knew her new father only had three wives that he married through tradition, and the fact that [Name] was from a brothel gave her another idea. Disgust formed in her stomach.

"I loathe our servant."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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