Life And Death

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This story is a bit darker!! I warned you!

Gerard, a Little, was walking down the street with his caregiver, Bert. Gerard wore a white shirt with pink overalls, his hair in pigtails that bounced with each step. He clung tightly to Bert’s hand, feeling safe and protected. The streets were busy, filled with people rushing by, but Gerard only had eyes for Bert.

"Are we almost there, Daddy?" Gerard asked, looking up with wide eyes.

"Almost, Princess. Just a few more blocks," Bert replied, squeezing Gerard’s hand gently.

Gerard’s eyes sparkled with excitement. He tugged at one of his pigtails, a habit he had when he was feeling anxious or excited. "Can we get ice cream?" he asked hopefully.

Bert chuckled, a warm sound that made Gerard feel even more at ease. "We'll see. If you're good, maybe we can."

Gerard smiled, his worries melting away. He skipped a little, the motion making his pigtails bounce even more. Holding Bert’s hand tightly, he felt like nothing could go wrong as long as Bert was with him.

As they continued walking, Gerard spotted a dog across the street. His eyes lit up, and he pointed excitedly. "Look, Daddy! A puppy!"

Bert followed Gerard’s gaze and smiled. "Yeah, I see it. You like dogs, huh?"

Gerard nodded vigorously, his pigtails swinging. "Can we pet it?"

Bert glanced at the dog and then back at Gerard. "Not now, Princess. We have to get to the store first," he said gently, steering Gerard away from the dog.

Gerard pouted, his lower lip sticking out in a way that always made Bert laugh. "But I wanna pet the puppy," he said, though there was no real fight in his voice. He trusted Bert’s judgment, even if he didn’t always understand it.

"I know, Princess," Bert said, ruffling Gerard’s hair affectionately. "Maybe another time, okay?"

Gerard sighed but nodded. He knew Bert was right. "Okay," he said softly.

They walked on, passing shops and cafes. The smells of food and coffee wafted through the air, making Gerard’s stomach growl. He looked up at Bert, wondering if they would stop for a snack. But Bert seemed focused, his eyes scanning the street ahead.

"Are we going somewhere special?" Gerard asked after a while, curiosity getting the better of him.

Bert glanced down and smiled. "You'll see. It's a surprise."

Gerard’s eyes widened with excitement. He loved surprises, especially ones planned by Bert. He squeezed Bert’s hand and skipped a little more, the anticipation building with each step.

They finally stopped in front of a small, cozy-looking shop. Gerard looked up at the sign, trying to read it, but the words were unfamiliar. He glanced at Bert, who was watching him with a smile.

"Go on, open the door," Bert said, nodding towards the shop.

Gerard pushed the door open, a bell tinkling softly as they entered. The shop was filled with colorful toys and games, and Gerard’s eyes went wide with wonder. He looked back at Bert, his heart pounding with excitement.

"Is this for me?" he asked, barely able to contain his joy.

Bert nodded. "Yes, Princess. You've been such a good little princess lately. I thought you deserved a treat."

Gerard's face lit up with a smile so bright it could light up the whole shop. He ran to Bert and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Daddy! You're the best!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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