Chapter 1

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"You're so ugly!"

"That's probably why you have no friends."

"You'll never be worth anything!"

With that, Jordye finally awoke from the nightmares she usually had. The whispers immediately faded away when she heard her alarm that was set at 6:30 a.m.

"Ugh! It's only one week. We're not going to do anything anyway." She turned over in order to go back to sleep, but was interrupted.

"Nuh uh! You gone finish this last week of school since you talking about going to Duke. Perfect attendance is always a plus!"

With that Jordye, sucked her teeth at her mother's words and ripped the cover off her bed to get ready for the dreadful five days leading up until Summer.


Jordye usually contained the habit of always keeping her headphones on when walking throughout the halls, but this time she walked in totally oblivious to the situation and left then in her bag by accident. By this time there was no turning back so she would have to endure the ugly comments that would be thrown at her.



"She's so ugly."

"Why does she exist?"

Jordye just tried to keep her head high as she continued to her first period.

Everyone at Franklin High hated her guts. There were only a few reasons behind it. Her dad was the major key to all the hatred. Her father was convicted of murder in the early 2000s. The person he supposedly killed was a man that everyone in the neighborhood respected to the highest power. However, Jordye believe her father would never do such a thing. He was much more noble than that.

In addition, people absolutely loathed it when she succeeded. She was a straight A student, all the teachers loved her, and in the next 5 days she would be Valedictorian of her high school. She never understood why people hated her when she never would hurt a fly.

"Aye yo bitch!" Those were the words that broke her out of her thoughts and they came from her main bully, Chancellor.

A/N So I decided to create a new story ! Don't worry, Quinn will tie in soon! And I would like to shoutout Babyyy_Bee for pushing me to continue with this! 😊✊

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