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I see the light... Scorching my eyes. I blink rapidly.
"Stop.." I croaked
Suddenly somebody is gripping my hand, the person is warm. They are speaking to me but all I hear is a dull buzz. My vision is blurred and I feel as if I have pins and needles over every part of my body. The person has stopped talking by now and I can make out that they have sat back down with their hands covering their face. My vision and all my senses all at once and I gasp in shock at the feeling. I sit up looking around fast. Shit I'm in a hospital, I jank the IV out of my arm and stand up.

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?" The guy says. I'm about to throw back a punch but when I look up I see the gorgeous brown orbs of Jace. I sign in relief, "Take me home." I say.
He sighs, "You had seizer.. You scared the hell out of me." He says clenching his door as we walk through the corridor. He stops to sign as out the desk but I keep on going. He yells after me but I just pick up my pace. He catches up to me gripping my shoulders while standing in front of me.
"What are you doing God dammit!!" He booms.
I flinch, ripping away from him to continue walking, he catches my arm and pulls me back crashing our lips together. I try to resist but eventually I give into his embrace as he kisses me with... Love?

No this is wrong I yank away realizing what we'd just done and I run, fast.
I shove through the doors, I don't know where I am going but I just have to get away.
I turn left down another street, I realize where I am and I screech with joy. Fist pumping the air. About a Km down the next turn is the mansion. I speed up and arrive there within the next 10 minutes. I bust through the door and several people pull out their gun pointing them at me. I smile, I trained them well.
They lower their gun as they realize its me.
"Crap, you're still in your hospital gown!" Says Chase, a guy on my team.
I look down and realize he's right. I stifle a laugh. "Jace isn't the one we are looking for its my old boss. He is the new target. If you aren't on my side, leave NOW." I say suddenly turning stern. Nobody moves. Good.
I trudge up the stairs and when I reach my room I step into the bathroom and run a nice hot bath.
I started to think over the plan, when I realized I hardly had one.

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