Story telling

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After I finished telling Cass about my little play time with Jace yesterday, she proceeded to laugh her ass off. We talked for hours and hours. I only realized how much I actually missed my best friend till now, talking like old times before the....incident. Cass senses my change in demeanor and turns to face me on the bed.

"Okey whats up? Spit it out Trin." She says staring me down as if daring me to make an excuse.

"I need to tell you something." I say nervously

I needed to tell her about what happened between Jace and I, it's time.

"Go ahead!" She stares at me her eyes laced with worry, confusion and anticipation

"Jace was the one who killed my Mom" I said trying to ignore the waves of emotion coming over me but I was struggling and the way Cassidy was looking at me wasn't helping. A sob broke out and I looked down embarrassed.

She scooted closer to me wrapping her hands around my small frame and squeezing me tight.

"Keep need to get it out." She whispered. I snuggled into her.

"Remember that party we went to Senior year? Well I met him there, After a few drinks he invited me back to his place. I was tipsy so things weren't clear but I remember he drugged me and forced me into a van. Thats when I was taken to the warehouse. He took me to Marcos and for some reason he took interest in me. He informed me that I was to work for him as an assassin and that I would start training the next day. I was furious I caused a lot of trouble. One day a few months later I planned an escape. I used my skills to get out of the house and I ran. I went home to my family but Jace found me. He tried to take me back but I refused. He forced me into a van again before going inside and...." I stopped, the tears spilled over as I rethink the night, "killing her!" I shriek the last part sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hushh shhh calm down its over" she says rubbing small circles on my back.

I breath relaxing a bit.

"Cass? Marcos didn't order him to kill my family, he did it because he was scared of being Identified. Thats why I haven't killed Marcos. He won't let me leave the organization but gave me the means to come here."

"Enough you need to sleep Trinny come on let me get you some hot chocolate." She says jumping up to go make some. She stops at the door looking back. She smiles, a smile that is so genuine it stuns me for a while and then I smile thinking of how lucky I am to have such a great best friend. After I drink my coca I cuddle up next to her. I think about everything and I know what I must do or at least I have an idea.

He'll suffer, big time. But I'm going to give him the thing he never gave me. A chance.

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