4: Case file

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I sat on the chair with my laptop open, Simmi rested her head on my shoulder as she peeked into the screen. I finally gathered courage to take things into my hand and actually search about the records. I was now looking at the NCRB site, I had a legal license to look up all the details which were not publicly available.

Perks of being a cyber security.

"What is your grandmother's name?" She questioned, her diary open as she scribbled every detail from the search. Simmi had a feeling that my grandmother wasn't my grandmother and she was someone in disguise. Nevertheless, she watched a lot of horror-thriller dramas.

I started from my father, and it was actually a car accident but there were still suspicions as except the car father was driving none other car's mark was left.

"Will see for mamma's report first." I murmured as I was more concerned about that. A feeling of push and pull lingered with me as I moved my fingers on the keypad.  I couldn't bring myself to believe any of the words nana spoke out from her lips, yet it she was honest, she must be behind the bars.

"Then what's your mother's name?" She asked with an annoyed voice, being more interested in finding out if that old woman was actually my NANA.

"Karishma Dev Suryawanshi." My voice was low: lower than a whisper. My stomach twisted as the sound of the keys of the keyboard ran into my ears. Unconsciously, I was hoping to not find the truth as much as I manifested to dig the truth out.

With a sharp breath, I clicked the search button. The page loaded and took precisely 3 and half seconds to flash the report.

'Karishma Dev Suryawanshi, found dead in the back cabinet of the garage.'

I abruptly turned my face to Simmi, she looked disgusted with the evidence pictures flashing on the screen. They were gruesome. I gulped on my own dripping saliva and looked back at the pictures. This was horrifying from what I have seem in real life infront of my own eyes.

'Evidence 1: a dagger in the victim's hand covered in blood. Motive: self harm/ su*de.'

My heart wrenched at the last word. She didn't take her own life, she was murdered.

'evidence 2: blood footprints near the victim. Medium sized feet of 5. Sample collected for DNA test.'

'site viewing: address -The Suryawanshi 2113, Gate lake villa, downtown, near forest. An unidentified body was found. The body is almost charred (source fire). Sample collected and body sent for autopsy.'

"What? That looks like a whole crime thriller movie to me!" Simmi shouted, tapping her hand on the table. I on the other hand looked at the screen with a pale face.

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