11: A kiss

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I waited until he faded from my sight and sauntered down the bed once I heard the main door of my apartment lock. I walked to my window and peeked down, waiting for him to vanish into the thin air with his bike.

My eyes were fixed on the void sky when the door bell rang. I let out a deep exhalation as I recognized the individual and proceeded to the door with leisurely strides.

The door opened with a man standing in black suit. A smile crept on my lips as our eyes met. His eyes were the same colour as Ved. Darkest Shade of green with a light hint of brown at the corners. The only difference marked was the scar on Ved's face.

"Baccha.." His words lingered at the end as he stretched his arms for me. Without a second thought I jumped into his arm.

"Where were you, papa?" I asked pulling out of his embrace and pushed the door completely open for him.

"I'm a busy old person." He chuckled and stepped into the apartment.

"What about the woman?" He questioned while settling on the chair in the hall.

"She is quite. Haven't caused any trouble yet." I spoke out while walking into the kitchen. He hummed in reply. I pulled out a glass and filled it with water for him.

Grabbing a packet of potato chips I walked into the hall while my brain processed all the information I had been collecting ever since.

"She's an agent. It's confirmed." I handed him the glass and sat on the floor while resting my back on the wall near the wall sized window of the hall. I popped open the packet of chips and munched onto some.

"Hm." He kept the glass on the table and forward his hand to me.

"You can't have it. Type 2 diabetes." Putting a few more chips into my mouth I spoke showing him two fingers.

"One or two won't harm me."

"Look at that family pack of yours! Exercise and trime down, maintain your health and then 1 or 2 won't harm you." I lectured pulling the packet back, close of my tummy as I pointed my finger at his big tum.

A smile lifted up onto his lips and he pulled his hands back. "I missed your lectures, baccha." He looked out of the window, a small moist glint at the corner of his eyes as the moonlight hit his eyes.

"I missed you too, papa. I was lonely and I-" My voice broke and I stuffed more chips into my mouth.

Diverting my mind away from the tormenting pain raising in my chest, I voiced. "Nobody will believe you are the father of Ved, considering your family pack."

His eyes became small as his laughter roared in the almost empty hall of mine, carving out a smile on my lips as well. He looked like a laughing boiled potato.

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