Chapter 29 - A Scandal in Belgravia Part 6

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A few days after Christmas, Sherlock was stood by the left-hand window with his brand new violin in hand. The music flowing from it was so encapturing and beautiful that it could bring tears to anyone's eyes. Of course, John being a little nosey asked how he had acquired such an item, to which Sherlock simply responded, "Make a deduction." 

John had struggled to answer that one and after buggering him for days with impossible scenarios, had given up; not without noticing the slight adoring look the detective would sometimes award their female friend.

Mrs Hudson sighs a little, having noticed the untouched breakfast the detective left behind, except for the teacup where two drops of tea remained. He abruptly stopped playing and picked up a nearby pencil to adjust something on the sheet music in front of him. 

It just didn't sound quite right so far. That note bothered him. The sharp didn't work so he tried it out as a flat, much more satisfied with the sound and the harmony overall.

"Lovely tune, Sherlock. Haven't heard that one before.", Mrs Hudson commented whilst clearing away his meal. The dishes clinked together a little as she brought them over to the little blue kitchen. 

"You composing?"

"Helps me to think.", Sherlock replied impassively, changing a rythmn this time. Music and composing did in fact help him think but also clear his mind. Something had been bothering and trotting about his mind since Christmas. Something he really wanted to be resolved.

He prompted again, tryingto engage in discussion despite the weird atmosphere ruling in the flat. "What are you thinking about?"

"The counter on your blog is still stuck at one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five.", Sherlock remarqued quickly, not feeling like sharing anything that went on in his head with anyone present. 

The computer screen displayed proudly John's blog with the latest article and his smiling face in big on the side. Sherlock stopped himself from reading lest he got even more annoyed and tired with humanity than he already was.

"Yeah, it's faulty. Can't seem to fix it.", John shrugged with his hands burried deep in the comfort of his pockets. 

"Faulty – or you've been hacked and it's a message.", he replied hastily, producing a phone from nowhere. He types 1895 into the phone but instead, it beeps in warning and displays the three attempts remaining. The spark in his eyes dies once more, so he raises the violin to his shoulder, ready to engage in non-verbal activities. "Just faulty."

"Right. Well, I'm going out for a bit.", John announced whilst grabbing his coat for the way out. 

He stopped in the kitchen where Mrs Hudson was cleaning up some things. 

"Listen: has he ever had any kind of ...", he gestured vaguely for the words,  "... girlfriend, boyfriend, a relationship, ever?", John enquired, suspecting -even though it may be slim- that Sherlock could have said something to his faithful housekeeper.

Mrs Hudson shook her head and clung to her tea-towel, confused and unsure about this young man, "I don't know. He's Sherlock. How will we ever know what goes on in that funny old head?"

. 。・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

Y/n saw the car rolling John away and sighed, resting her elbow on the sturdy windowsill. The fresh air flowed smoothly past and refreshed all of her features as well as the little knots tightening in her head. 

She was tired. 

She needed something to drink to remedy that. So, she slid over to her kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. The wooden cupboards were carefully opened, revealing neat and organised tins of herbs varying in brand and scent. Y/n lifted their metal lids, sniffed a few of them expertly and decided on her favorite one before fishing out the teabag with her well manicured nails. It plopped down in the empty ceramic mug and soon was filled with rushing hot water to be infused as well as to release all its intricate and delicate flavors. It exhuded heat in her hands, warming up every part of her as she took large sips once it wasn't as scalding anymore. 

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