A Relationship Of Three

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It had been three weeks, Foolish never seemed to get a flight. Now when Tina went to get her mail, she'd meet Foolish collecting Bad's for him.

"Are you ever going home?" Tina teased him, nudging his shoulder. In her other hand she was holding stacks of letters addressed to Bagi.

"Oh, yeah." Foolish knew he was way past the vacation time period. There were only so many excuses. "My parents are still traveling so..." That was his usual lie. His parents traveled often, he didn't like being alone.

"Damn, you're grown though." Tina rolled her eyes. "You can't even stay in a house alone?"

Foolish glared at her while using Bad's key to collect his mail from the tiny box. "Have you ever been alone? You have Bagi."

"I've been alone before, for weeks." Tina brushed her hand through her hair. "Well, anyway...I'll see you around." Tina started walking to the elevator.

Foolish jogged up the steps to avoid sharing the elevator with her. They were good friends, yet something felt off. Foolish thought maybe it could be the secret he was keeping. He might've told her, but Bad and Skeppy wanted his lips sealed. When they weren't kissing, of course.


"Your mail is on the table." Foolish said when Bad came home for a break between classes.

"Thanks." Bad set his bag down on the table. "I've got some unfortunate news..."

"What?" Foolish walked over and put his hand on Bad's side, because he was welcome to do that. "What's wrong, is Skeppy okay?"

"Yes?" Bad made a face. "Of course Skeppy is okay."

Foolish sighed. He worried, he'd never worried about anyone before, not like this. "What's wrong then?"

"My mom wants to visit this weekend..."

Foolish groaned. He knew exactly what that meant. "Well... I can stay with Tina?"

"Skeppy is going to stay with Tina and Bagi..."

"Hm..." Foolish sat at the table. "I'll get a hotel for the weekend...hell, Skeppy can come stay with me at a hotel."

"That's okay, He's fine with staying with Tina and Bagi."

"It'll be more comfortable at a hotel though. Then he doesn't have to bother Tina...she seems stressed lately."

"Tina is more than happy to have him for a couple days."

"I guess but why can't he just stay at a hotel with me?"

Bad shrugged, it was obvious why. He trusted Skeppy but he didn't trust Foolish. Not as much as he hoped to one day.

"You know nothing would happen..."

Bad expected Foolish to laugh at him, mock him for being prude and not wanting Skeppy and Foolish to sleep together. But it didn't happen like that.

Foolish pulled him in and hugged him, engulfed him in the hug since he was so much taller. "You know Skeppy doesn't want to have sex with me. Especially not for his first time."

"He'll die waiting for me." Bad mumbled.

"You know he will, he will wait even if you never want to." Foolish sighed dramatically. "Although he's really cute and I'd love to take him to bed."

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