Chapter 2-3 : Sweet Moment's ( Part 3 )

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Rebecca POV

While I was in the gymnastics handling something Y/N call ''cheerleading practice'' with the others while Uzi was on dodgeball. When I saw how see how she's handling.

Rebecca : hm?

Uzi : Uggggghhhhh....

She was just standing there while dodgeball hit her across the face, you've would help her but she already told you she gotten used to it. When she was getting ready for the next practice.

Lizzy : y'know I tried saving you that day.

Rebecca : don't talk to me.

Lizzy : I mean, how can you be friends with the Freak. And now you're also friends with that shorty.

She said before pointing at Emily who was playing dodgeball with Uzi. Rebecca continued walking away from Lizzy or her so-called Ex Friend.

Lizzy : I gave you a choice and you left me just like that, geez you really are pathetic-

Rebecca : ( Beep ) you. Also you can do me a favor and just ( beep ) Off, Lizzy.

Lizzy : Wow! Using big words now are we? I mean You're never usually this way when you used to be my friend, what happened to you?

Rebecca : I've made up my mind and moved on with my life. Unlike you ( Beep ).

Lizzy : Hm... Seems like you really changed who you used to be. Always looking down on other including the freak and shorty. And now you just leave me because of some human.

Rebecca : He's now just SOME human! He's a human that actually cares about us worker drones unlike the others who just used the others back then when a company Named JC Jetson first opened.

Lizzy : and...

Rebecca couldn't believe that she could finally see her ex friend only caring about no one but herself. When someone was behind her.

Y/N : everything okay Rebecca? Oh... Hello Lizzy...

Lizzy : hello friend stealer.

Y/N : I didn't STEAL your friend. She left you by her own choice, it's best just to move in Lizzy.

Lizzy : pfft, Please. The only reason she's with you along with the freak and shorty because of you!

She said before knowing that you couldn't just stand here and argue with her, while holding Rebecca's hand.

Y/N : come on... We have practice to handle.

Rebecca ( blushing ) : Y-Yeah...

She said while shivering and blushing while Lizzy just went on with the cheerleading practice as well. Once you and the girls were in the hallway since it was break time. When you were lifting Rebecca because she was having trouble getting to her locker.

Rebecca ( mind ) : I could've used books for the lift up but this is better.

She said in thought when she was done gathering the supplies she need before closing the locker door.

Y/N : I know that you've could've used some books but this way is much better that letting someone move these books with their foot and making you fall.

Rebecca ( blushing ) : T-T-Thanks.

While she was blushing before you saw Uzi had a jealousy expression on her face but she was trying to hide it.

Y/N ( mind ) : how cute... She's trying to hide her jealousy expression...

You said in thought before the bell rang and everyone was heading to their next class. Once you place Rebecca down and decide to head on to the next class with the girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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