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CW: This chapter has bits from the Haunted Hogsmeade quest in the game. I do not have the patience to rewrite every detail, so if you're a little lost... I dunno, go look it up or play it, yeah? It's a fun quest. C:

Andrew Larson


Andrew turned with Tessa, his lips pursing when Walter Clayton was waving at her and coming closer.

Last Andrew heard, he was after Imelda Reyes, who did not like Tessa. This was bound to be a rather eventful encounter, considering the great hall was absolutely full and Imelda was big on gossip.

"Hello! I've been meaning to ask-"

"Shh!" Tessa shushed him and Andrew was startled to see her reach up and cover his mouth. Clayton's eyes seemed to widen then crinkle with amusement. "Come with me," Tessa said, grabbing his hand and pulling Clayton along with her.

What the hell? What had Andrew missed?


"Library, come on," she said to both of them, and Andrew ran forward to open the door for her, trying to get a read on her face, but she was looking at Clayton. Which was why neither of them were ready when she ran straight into Sebastian Sallow's chest.

Oh yes. This was certainly going to be eventful. Because who was standing right next to Sallow? Imelda Reyes herself. And both of them looked at their respective crushes and glared, simultaneously. Andrew bit back a grin. Oh, sweet Tessa, how there was never a dull moment.

"Where are you both rushing off to?" Reyes asked and Andrew rolled his eyes. Obviously, he was nothing but chopped liver.

But Tessa seemed to have noticed how close Sallow and Reyes stood next to each other and that polite, serene look came upon her face, hiding her real emotion. But Andrew saw the way her cheeks pinked ever so slightly. Anger. Interesting. Was she finally starting to realize her feelings for Sallow?

Instead of answering, Tessa shoved between the two of them, pulling Clayton with her. Andrew was still confused as to why they were bringing Clayton anywhere, but he went to follow.

"Interesting timing," Andrew murmured, mostly to himself, but he saw Sallow had stiffened.

"Something to say, Larson?"

Andrew frowned and glanced at him, confused. "Nothing?" He answered, more of a question than anything.

"Too cowardly to say it to my face?" The threat in Sallow's voice made Andrew turn to face him fully. The hell was his problem? But before Andrew could retort, Tessa spoke up.

"Sebastian!" She chided and Sallow's expression softened just slightly. Merlin, he was hooked. Bad.

Andrew smirked – at a rather inopportune time – as Sallow turned his gaze back to Andrew and his fist clenched. A wave of fear went through him as he saw Sallow's eyes darken in rage.

"You can't pick fights with everyone for no reason!" Tessa continued to lecture.

"He only wanted to give you this stupid book, Wilkes" Reyes muttered, her arms crossing over her chest, a look of hurt crossing her face as well, unable to look at Clayton. Andrew was starting to feel overwhelmed with the sheer amount of emotions between this group. If only they communicated. It was a simple enough fix.

"What book?" Tessa asked, her tone changing to curious and almost excited, understandably. But as Sallow quickly lifted the book to hand it to her, Tessa gasped audibly and flinched away.

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