─ ❝ act ii ❞

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⎡ act ii - bully ⎦

┊❝ Let's have some fun with this, (Y/N) ❞┊

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┊❝ Let's have some fun with this, (Y/N) ❞┊

── SITTING next to Dylan wasn't earth shattering in any regard to (Y/N), finding that he didn't seem much too interested in her after inquiring her name and where she moved from. He seemed impressed when she mentioned her father was a physician, but didn't seem to care much in regard to her life. She was fine with this, and would much rather prefer him talking to others rather than her since she still was finding it hard to adjust.

If anything, she wanted to go back home—her original home before her mother left.

Such a wish could never be fulfilled, though.

After sitting through class with her new rather boisterous chemistry teacher, ignoring the rare glances both Dylan and his other dark-haired friend gave her, she continued to move through her day with very little interactions with her classmates. Again, she didn't mind this, though she did feel lonely come lunch. Standing in the crowded lunchroom, alone, with her tray, she felt completely lost with no lap nor compass. Deciding not to subject herself to the torment and humiliation of asking which seats were free, she withdrew to the deserted hallways to find an empty room where she could eat in peace. 

She didn't get far.

When passing by a dark classroom, she stiffened when hearing several loud sounds and whimpers of pain, slowly her head turning. In the small window upon stepping closer, she saw several large figures surrounding another figure curled up on the ground, trying to protect himself from the feet that kicked him and the fists that beat him.

(Y/N) breathed in sharply.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and on her first day, too.

Just when she couldn't stand it anymore, feeling a wave of nausea rush over her, the apparent leader of the group who was beating up the boy on the ground the most lifted his head up, and in that moment, locked eyes directly with her. Time seemed to freeze, for as soon as (Y/N) met his gaze, she knew that whom she was staring at committing these vile acts were Dylan, her seat mate himself. And next to him, she could see, was his dark-haired friend staring at her as well, a wad of bills in his hand that he casually tucked into his pockets. The dark-haired one looked completely emotionless, but Dylan was different—he looked to be completely enjoying beating someone within an inch of their life, all with a sadistic smile permeating his lips.

Jerking backwards away from the window, (Y/N) felt her blood chill as she promptly abandoned her lunch to race down the hall towards the headmaster's office, knowing she had to tell someone.

She was by no means a saint.

But that didn't mean she could leave someone alone who was so obviously hurting.

Maybe she was being stupid, but she had a strong gut feeling that even if she stepped away and pretended not to see anything, Dylan would seek her out nonetheless to keep her silence in the most horrible of ways. Stopping short just outside of the headmaster's office, her brows furrowed as she hastily glanced around, she then knocked politely before walking inside. The headmaster was an older man with graying hair and light brown eyes, a gruffer person who was blunt and to the point. Sitting behind his desk, he seemed to look all the more intimidating, but not enough to deter (Y/N) from what she wanted to do.

"Excuse me?" She started to gain his attention, watching as his eyes flicked up to meet hers.

"Yes?" He questioned, his voice deep and rumbling and matching his appearance, stopping what he was doing at the moment to give her his full attention. "Can I help you with something? (Y/N)(L/N), right? Is there something wrong with your schedule? I know you just transferred, so there might've been some scheduling issues."

"Um, no, everything's okay, I just have something to report," (Y/N) spoke softly.

"Something to report?" The man seemed surprised. "What is it?"

"I saw several people violently beating someone," (Y/N) swallowed thickly, nervously glancing behind her as if Dylan himself would come barging into the room to force her mouth shut. "They were in one of the classrooms down the hall. It seemed they even took money from him, too."

"You're certain?" The headmaster began as he immediately turned towards his computer. "Do you know who it was?"

"Yeah, Dylan... something, and his group."

The headmaster faltered.

"What's wrong?" (Y/N) questioned, her worry growing the longer the seconds passed.

"Are you perhaps talking about Dylan Jennings?" He continued as he stared down at her with that dark gaze of his despite his light eyes, something that made her take a hesitant step back, her gaze soon finding the nameplate on his desk that read 'Philips Jennings' and the picture of the same Dylan she saw in the classroom behind him. "Considering your reaction, then it is. That boy was likely just messing around, nothing too serious. Please, don't let whatever he did bother you."

(Y/N) felt her heart drop.

He wouldn't do anything.

"Okay... sir," she mumbled with a small nod of understanding before leaving his office.

"Well?" A voice to her right spoke, causing her to jolt and turn to see Dylan himself and his dark-haired friend leaning against the wall, waiting for her, a small smirk decorating his lips. "How'd talking to my father work out for you?"

She stayed silent, her stance tense.

"No need to look so scared," Dylan scoffed as he pushed himself off the the wall to approach her, an arm slinging around her shoulders to bring her to his chest before she could do anything about it, a sly smile stretching across his face as he did so. "Let's talk. About what you saw... and about what you just tried to do."

She bit her tongue.

"Not talking?" Dylan shrugged as he then held out his hand. "Then give me your phone."

She met his gaze.

The look in his eyes downright terrified her.

Slowly, she pulled her phone from her back pocket and extended it towards him, watching as he snatched it from her hand to type something out. Not even a moment later, his own phone dinged, and that was then she realized what he had done, her expression slowly morphing into confusion.

"Now you have my number," he smiled as he tossed her back his phone. "Don't block me. You'll know what'll happen if you do. Let's have some fun with this, (Y/N)."

With that, he walked away laughing.

His friend wasn't too far behind him, leaving (Y/N) alone with her swirling thoughts.


To be continued...

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