Chapter 8

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Lore-Val tugged on her gloves as she and Solitaire hurried down the hall. They were late for a meeting with Bo-Katan and the other members of the slowly growing new government. The two were rarely invited to these meetings, seeing as they weren't particularly liked by the clan leaders, but Bo-Katan had specifically asked for Solitaire to come.

Solitaire handed Lore-Val her helmet and she tucked it under her arm as they entered the state dining room turned conference room. Everyone else was there and milling around when they came in. They moved through the small group, no one stopping them to talk as they moved to stand out of the way towards the back.

It wasn't long until Bo-Katan started the meeting. Everything started simply, Bo-Katan and her cabinet members discussing the current state of things and making plans for next steps. After several minutes of discussions Bo-Katan turned to Ursa Wren and asked for her to provide an update on a man named Saw Gerrera.

"We have intel that he has left Onderon," Ursa reported, "I stand by the belief that we can go forward with Operation Kurs (Forest)."

Lore-Val frowned. This was obviously something everyone else in the room had discussed previously and she didn't appreciate not being in on the secret.

Solitaire didn't appreciate it either, but unlike Lore-Val he wasn't just going to wait for answers, "Mind explaining for those who have been kept out of these planning meetings for months?"

Everyone turned and glared at him. Lore-Val caught Bo-Katan's eye and held her stare. She couldn't quite read her aunt's face, but she knew this plan wasn't going to be something she liked.

"Solitaire, you will go meet Guerra and offer an alliance against the Empire," Bo-Katan said, pulling her eyes from her niece to the clone.

Lore-Val saw red. "Are you kidding me? Bo-Katan you can't-"

Solitaire grasped her upper arm to stop her  "Why me?"

"You're inconspicuous," Ursa said smoothly, "We have the armor of dead clones. When we put you in fresh armor, you can move around easily."

"And what would I need to do?"

"We have an idea of where Gerrera is," Bo-Katan said, "You'll go along with a squad and be the one to get his attention. Then bring him back to the squad and they'll discuss making a deal."

Lore-Val pulled her arm out of Solitaire's grip, "Will Solitaire get a say in this? Or are you giving orders to someone who you have ignored and belittled since he got here?"

"Are you telling me he won't do this?" Bo-Katan asked.

"No. What simply I'm reminding everyone in this room is that Solitaire is a human being who is not just doing as he's told. He doesn't need to give you an answer right now and he is allowed to say no."

Solitaire grabbed her arm again, this time pulling her behind him, "I'll do it."

"Solitaire!" Lore-Val gaped up at him. Was he serious?

He ignored her, stepping forward so he could see the holotable better, "Walk me through the plan."

.   .   .

Once the meeting ended Lore-Val pulled Solitaire through to the kitchen. The room was practically empty, just one cook who was finishing a large pot of soup for the large company of Mandalorians staying in the palace.

Lore-Val was practically shaking as she asked Solitaire, "What are you thinking you utreekov (idiot/fool)?"

He'd expected her to shout at him, this raw near whisper was much more concerning. He placed his helmet on a counter, and then forced himself to look her straight on, she deserved honesty.

"If I do this I'll stop being your shadow and Bo-Katan will see me as an asset.  I can be of use here, I just need to prove it."

"She doesn't care about you!"

There's the shouting.

"If they want to hate you it won't matter what you do for them! It's not worth risking your life!"

"Lore-Val, I'm a soldier. Risking my life is kind of the job."

"But what about me?" she cried passionately, her hands hitting her chest plate for emphasis.

"I fought in plenty of battles before I met you. Spending two years with you doesn't make me unqualified all of a sudden."

She wanted to scream. "I know that! But if something happens to you I'll be alone, " She looked down at her boots, her voice trembling, "I know it's selfish, but I don't want to be left here all alone. You're my best friend Solitaire, you're all the family I have left."

He seemed thrown by that, "You... you have Bo-Katan."

Lore-Val glared, "Aliit ori'shya tal'din."

"All I got out of that was aliit."

"Family is more than blood."

"Oh, I uh," he swallowed, "Lore-Val, nothing is going to happen."

"You don't know that! And the fact that you're willing to die for people that don't care about you!"

"Did the Republic care about me?"

"No, and it –"

"Lore-Val," he grasped her shoulders tightly, "if we can make an alliance with Guerrera we will have a better chance to take down the government that took over my brothers' souls and killed the Jedi. That is worth dying for."

She pulled away, blinking to keep her tears from spilling over. She sniffled, and wiped away the stubborn tears that had escaped. "I hate you."

He smiled softly at her, "Dinner?"

"Fine," she turned to where the chef had been and frowned, "When did he leave?"

"Some time during the yelling."

"Ridiculous," she crossed to the conservator and grabbed a jar of jam. "Sandwiches?"

Solitaire nodded "I'll find the bread."

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