Chapter 10

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The air inside the house buzzed with a mix of relief and curiosity. Marissa, her face etched with worry now replaced by a warm smile, held Aebelle in a tight embrace. "Aebelle! Issei! You're here. I was so worried!"

Aebelle chuckled, a touch of exasperation in her voice. "Aww... I was so worried too, Mom."

Asia and Marinoah, were practically vibrating with excitement, their hugs almost suffocating for the two new devils. "Issei! Aebelle!" Asia exclaimed, her voice brimming with joy. "You're safe!"

Marinoah, a whirlwind of energy, squeezed Aebelle tightly. "Aebee!!!! I missed you so much!"

Issei, ever the cheerful one, responded with a grin. "So glad you're safe too, Asia. And Marinoah, you're squeezing the air out of me!"

The five of them settled into the living room, taking their places around a low table laden with steaming cups of tea. The aroma of chamomile and lavender filled the air, calming the lingering tension from their recent ordeal.

Marissa poured tea for everyone, her eyes flickering from Aebelle to Issei and back again.

Asia, her voice soft but firm, decided to break the silence. "My parents... they abandoned me right after I was born. I was found crying in front of a small church in a European town. I grew up there, and when I was eight, a wounded dog, close to death, wandered into the church." Her eyes, usually so bright, dimmed with a flicker of sadness.

Issei leaned forward, his gaze concerned. "Huh? So, what happened?"

"By myself, I prayed as hard as I could," Asia continued, her voice regaining its usual gentle strength. "That's when a miracle occurred. Soon after, I was taken to a big church, where I was ordered to heal illnesses and wounds of Christians coming from all over the world. I was so happy that my power could help people!" Her face lit up with a genuine smile, her eyes reflecting her sincere joy.

"Then, one day, I encountered a man collapsed on the floor, heavily injured," Asia continued, the smile fading. "But the man I came across was..." her voice trailed off, a hesitant look crossing her face.

Aebelle, sensing the unspoken tension, filled in the blank. "A devil?"

Asia nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "I was branded a heretic because I had the power to even heal devils. The other nuns... they were afraid of me."

Issei, his brow furrowed in anger, spoke up. "So, that's why you had nowhere to go and got picked up by a fallen angel?"

Asia looked down at her hands, her voice laced with a hint of resignation. "But I never stopped praying to God, expressing my gratitude. Not to mention I never knew what terrible things they were doing. The Lord must be testing me. If I can overcome this ordeal, He will make my dream come true someday. That's what I believe."

"Your dream?" Issei asked, curious.

"I'll make a lot of friends," Asia said, her voice soft but hopeful. "Together we'll buy flowers and books, and chat... That's my dream. I don't have any friends, you see."

Issei, his heart touched by her simple wish, took her hands in his. "I'll be your friend, Asia. Aren't we already friends anyway?"

Aebelle added her own voice, her tone firm. "Me too. Those people believed that you're a heretic. Well, I say they're the ones in the wrong."

Issei, his playful grin back in place, winked at Asia. "I mean, we didn't get to the flowers or books yet, but still... Or is that still not enough?"

Asia's smile, shy but genuine, warmed Issei's heart. "No, not at all. But, I'm causing both of you trouble."

The Devil with White Wings: Unholy Awakening [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now