I wake up and go straight to the dressing room. "Good morning lovely's" I say walking in. "Mm someone's in a good mood" liv says. "Your boy George got you smiling" Leah says teasing me. "Ok he's not my boy but he his cute so I'll just be testing out the waters a bit" "you should go for it Rob would want you to explore other connections" Serena says.
Someone knocks on the door and George comes in with a plate of breakfast. "Aw thank you you're so sweet" I say giving him a hug. "Of course" he says smiling. "First breakfast of the day congrats" Jana says and he walks out laughing.
"So Nadia how are you feeling about George" Kaylor asks. "I think he's really sweet and I do wanna get to know him more but I'm still thinking about rob" "do you think your head could turn?" "Possibly? I don't know I doubt it I mean Miguel's fine ass couldn't even turn my head" I joke making them laugh.
Todays outfit
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I walk downstairs with Leah and my breakfast in hand and we go sit on the couch. "Ah Leah there you are here's your breakfast" Ignacio comes over. "Thank you" she responds. "Nadia I can make you something to drink if you'd like" "how good are you at making coffee?" "For you definitely really good" "ok then I'll have a coffee" "ok coming right up, also I was hoping I could talk to you later" "yeah sure just come get me whenever" I smile and he walks away.
"How is it we always have the same men interested in us" I joke and we laugh. "It's because literally everyone's into you it's quite scary speaking of looks who's coming" she says and George comes. "I'm sorry Leah but can I pull you for a chat Nadia?" "Of course"
Robs pov "Can I pull you for a chat Rob" destiny comes over. "Sure" I say and follow her. "So I noticed you're kinda the only guy not really talking to any of the girls" she says. "I mean i already have a girl so why would I waste time on others?" I reply.
"Oh so your like locked in locked in?" "Well I like her a lot I like to think she feels the same way" "and If she doesn't?" "Then there's really no point in me being here" "so your not gonna test out your connection at all" "I tested it out by coming here, I'm here I've had a few chats already and I'm just not feeling any of them, plus no offense at all but leaving Nadia for anyone in here is like leaving a diamond for a rock" I shrug.
Nadia's pov "Yeah no like I think you're seriously so sweet I definitely want to get to know you more" I say to George as we're laying next to each other. "Do you think there's potential that you'd recouple?" "Ugh I'm really not sure like we definitely have that good banter we just haven't tried out that sexual chemistry yet" I say looking at his lips.
"Mm sounds like you definitely just wanna kiss me right now" "is that a crime?" I say and he pull me for a heavy kiss. "Fuck no way they're kissing" Nicole says to the girls. "Robs gonna be devastated" "he's probably testing out their connection to let our girl have some fun"
Robs pov "Yeah I think your cool and all but Nadia has my heart I'm sorry"
Nadia's pov We pull away from the kiss after a few minutes. "Yeah so that sexual chemistry is 100% there" I say making us laugh. "Nadia get your ass over here it's time to get ready" Serena yells and I sigh. "I'll catch you later" I smile and walk to the girls.