"Go get him Nadia" "I can't he probably hates me now" I respond to Leah still crying. "He could never hate you and you know that go get him," Serena says and I go follow him.
I see him crying in Aaron's arms and it pisses me off. "Aaron I think I got it from here" Aaron looks at Rob for approval before Rob nods telling him it's ok. Aaron gets up and whispers in my ear "Please fix this, I love you but at the end of the day I'd choose Rob" he says then walks off so I sit with Rob. It's quiet and awkward at first until I muster up the courage to speak up.
"Listen-" "Nadia I forgive you" "What?" "I forgive you, the thing you said about not being invested was day one and I understand, and as for the lap dance it was just a challenge, and you already told me you kissed him so I have so right to be upset about it" "you have every right to be upset rob I'm so sorry," I say while crying and he holds me. "I just like you so much Rob and I don't wanna lose you" "I'm not going anywhere baby" "So you don't hate me?" I say while looking up from his chest with teary eyes. "I could never hate you, angel," he says and pulls me into a kiss.
"We should head back now," I say after we pull away. "yeah we should come on," he says and grabs my hand as we walk back. Everyone starts cheering when they see us happy again. We sit through a couple more videos and fights and we finally get to the final one called Mr possessive.
"All we all know who this one is about," Miguel says making everyone laugh and the video starts playing.
"Nadia's looking some kinda way in that outfit I'm not gonna lie," Aaron says. "Dude she looks perfect in everything," Kendall says. "Yeah not gonna lie Rob impatiently waiting for you to fuck up so I can swoop in," Connor says. "Well I'm not ever gonna fuck up so y'all can give up on that thought immediately."
"you are all fucking disgusting," Kaylor says. "exactly talking about her like she's a fucking object" Liv agrees. "we can't compliment a pretty girl anymore," Aaron says rolling his eyes and the video continues.
"Dude you want her so bad," Aaron says. "Bro who doesn't" Nate says. "Yeah your right," I say as they laugh. "However I don't think her head gonna turn from Rob I mean Miguel tried and it didn't work" "Waitshe and Miguel aren't good?" "No they are but anyone with eyes can see how she and Rob look at each other"
"Damn so why is Miguel still giving her all his attention" "I don't know honestly but I mean look at her it's hard to not give her all your attention," I say as the boys agree. "Dude I'm not even joking she needs to change out of that like right now before I get in trouble," Kendall says. "Always walking in these little bikinis knowing how we feel about her," Nate says. "Feel about who" Rob comes in as they all say nobody in union.
A new clip starts playing. "Come on let's go back" I whisper to the boys and we go back. "He's so fucking disrespectful bro, "I say "No trynna kiss your girl's first conversation is wild" Aaron agrees.
The video is finally over and everyone turns to me so I decide to speak up. "honestly I'm quite flattered that everybody in this villa finds me attractive" I say making everyone laugh. "and for you, Mr. Possessive I find jealously hot" "oh do you" rob flirts back. " alright that's enough let's head to bed" liv says while laughing and we all get ready for bed.
tonight's outfit
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The next morning we wake up and the tension is beyond awkward so we all just head to the dressing rooms. Kendall brings in breakfast for me, Nicole, Serena, and Kaylor apologizing for last night and we all forgive him.
I decided to just put on a basic red bikini today and go about my day. I notice Sierra and Caine doing yoga together and Leah and Nate having a chat hopefully it goes well because I just wanna see my girl happy again. Later on, Serena pulls us aside and says that she and Kordell decided to close off and I cheer for her but can't help but feel jealous. I know I told Rob I wanted to slow things down but now I'm just not sure, there's no reason we shouldn't close off I mean I don't want anyone but him. A few hours later it's time to get ready for the night.
Tonight's outfit
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Ariana comes in and tells us to gather around the fire pit so we do. "Well it's time for a recoupling, there are 7 boys and 10 girls so unfortunately 3 girls will be dumped from the island tonight, boys stay where you are, girls come and join me. Kendall please stand up, tell us who you would like to couple up with" Ariana says and he stands.
"I would like to couple up with this girl because not only is she the most beautiful girl in this villa, she's my girl and ever since we've had some uninterrupted time one-on-one we have taken things to the next level and become closed off, I couldn't ask for anyone better. The girl would like to couple up with is... Nicole" everyone cheers and she goes to sit with him.
Kenny is up next and chooses Jana, Kordell chooses Serena, and Caine chooses Sierra leaving everyone upset. Next is Aaron who chooses Kaylor and then Miguel who chooses Leah then finally it's Rob.
"I would like to couple up with this girl because since day one she's always been there for me. Any time I'm with her there's just this spark that I can't even put into words, we have ups and downs but each time we always come back to each other. I know sometimes she wants to slow things down but one thing you can't slow down is your feelings I can easily say I've fallen so hard for this girl and I don't want to get up. I just want to be with her every second of every day and no matter how hard she tries she's never getting rid of me, so the girl I would like to couple up with is... Nadia" I walk over happily and kiss him while everyone cheers.
The final boy is Nate "Um I would like to couple up with this girl because every time I talk to her, I like her more than before the conversation, uh when I think about someone I want to end up with I think about her and it doesn't hurt that she's oh so beautiful this wasn't a hard decision as far as a romantic connection however it doesn't hurt sadden me greatly because it means one of my best friends has to go home. The girl I would like to couple up with is... Daniella" he says making us all burst into tears because Liv is going home.
"Catherine, Daia, and Liv you haven't been picked to be in a couple which means you are dumped from the island, I'll see the rest of you very soon," Ariana says and walks away as we all go hug Liv and Kaylor is the most emotional sobbing. They finished packing their bags and leaving and Rob hugged me as I cried.
He then pulls me to the side and we go cuddle on the couch. "How are you feeling baby" "I've been better I'm just gonna miss her so much" "I know you will," he says while rubbing my back.
"I'm backkkkk" we hear Ariana yell from the balcony. "I have some big news can you all meet me at the fire pit, as you all know the road to love is full of unexpected twists and turns and tonight is no exception, please welcome... Harrison"