"IVE GOT A TEXTTTTT" I yell and everyone starts cheering. "Nadia, please come join me for my last and final date, Harrison #bestforlast" making everyone yell excited for me, well everyone but rob.
All the girls come rushing over and they basically drag me in the dressing room. "Ooh I'm so happy for you Nadia" Kaylor says. "Me too this is a perfect chance to get rob jealous" Jana says. "Thank guys but I'm not even trying to make him jealous I feel like we're too him deep to keep playing these games you know? I might still wear something tiny just to get a reaction outta him" I say while putting on my makeup. "Are you going to entertain the date or just let Harrison know straight up you aren't interested" Leah asks.
"I think I might entertain it for a bit then just let him know nothings ever gonna happen" "so no chance you'd leave rob" "no chance in hell" I respond and go get changed. "Here wear something of mine we gotta make you look all sexy so rob can get jealous" Leah says and hands me a beautiful red outfit. "Thanks babes"
Date outfit
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"Ok how do I look" I say while turning around so all the girls can see me. "Like a fucking goddess" Serena says while all the other girls agree and compliment me more. "Ok well I'm gonna walk out and pretend I don't see rob just to see his face" I say and everyone laughs as we walk out.
I walk down the stairs and hear all the boys cheering and cat calling me making me laugh. I walk past rob going straight to my date until he grabs my hand pulling me back.
"In a rush?" "sorry I don't know if you heard but I've got a date to attend to" "your so funny aren't you" I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his on my waist. "Don't have a panic attack while I'm gone" "I'm not gonna have a panic attack about that, maybe one about how showing your shirt is. Seriously though can this even be considered as a top" he says while grabbing it making me laugh.
"Shut up I'll see you when I get back" I say give him a long kiss as everyone cheers. I pull back and say my goodbyes as I walk to my date. I get there and Harrison immediately gets up and hugs me.
"Hi" I say kinda nervous. "Hi" he says with a smile and we sit down. "You look stunning" "aw thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" "well I try to look my best for you" he says making me laugh. "So what made you choose me" "well if I didn't make it obvious I definitely fancy you" "I'm flattered" "good, now tell me more about yourself"
"What do you wanna know" "tell me all your favorite things" "um ok, well my favorite move is moana" "aw that's cute" "are you making fun of me Harrison" I say with a smile. "No I think that's adorable" "lemme guess yours is Thor" "how'd you know" I laugh.
"Ok and my favorite color is purple, my favorite show is Greys anatomy, and my favorite artist is Ariana grande" "your favorite show being greys anatomy just makes so much sense" "and why is that" "I don't know you just give off your totally in love with Derek Shepard" "so close I'm actually a mark sloan kinda girl"