Character profile: Imperium

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Name: Alastor Jeffrey Haine

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Name: Alastor Jeffrey Haine

Date of birth: 1916

Age: (at transformation) 48

Source of transformation: Unknown vampire in 1964

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown (human); Black (vampire)

Height: 6ft 1in

Family / Relationships: Alastor is an only child and his parents were in their late 40s when they had him. They had tried to conceive for several years and had given up: then his mother finally fell pregnant. Alastor has no contact with his extended family.

Special abilities: Power was always been Alastor's biggest goal yet he doesn't posses one himself. He thrives on attention and loves being in control. He hates being ignored and demands respect from everyone he meets.

Education and Occupation: Alastor rarely attended school and dropped out of high school, claiming that education was a waste of his time, insisting that he wouldn't need it in order to become successful in life. With no qualifications, he struggled to gain employment and ended up living on the streets.

Hobbies: Alastor is fascinated with serial killers and is an avid viewer of true crime documentaries. He also has a collection of serial killer figurines.

Personal history: Knowing they would likely never have another child. Alastor's wealthy parents indulged his every need and wish. Raising him to believe he was special, Alastor grew up and developed a superiority complex. He has an issue with authority figures and puts his own needs before everyone else. An unknown vampire transformed Alastor while he was homeless. After his transformation, he was infuriated when he didn't recieve a power and gained power in another way by researching prisoners who were due for release. He handpicked the most heinous criminals and offered them immortality and an opportunity to continue to their sinister lifestyle by joining him. He transformed most of his followers within the first 10 years of his vampire life and has not added to his collection for several decades. 

Name: Victor Ozul

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Name: Victor Ozul

Date of birth: 1945

Age: (at transformation) 26

Source of transformation: Alastor in 1971

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown (human); Black (vampire)

Height: 6ft

Family / Relationships: Victor is the youngest of seven children. He has five brothers and one sister. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him, and his father has always resented him for it. Victor learnt to disassociate from his surroundings at a young age, as this developed into a coping mechanism whenever he was around his father.

Special abilities: Victor possesses the power of sensory deprivation. He can take away the senses (sight, taste, hearing, feeling and smell) of any individual he focuses on.

Education and Occupation: Victor grew up in a religious household and attended a Christian high school. He intended to become a pastor, but fell out of faith.

Hobbies: Victor's faith didn't allow him time for hobbies but when he was imprisoned, he took up painting

Personal history: Growing up with a strong belief in God. Victor believed God had a plan for him, but when he struggled to find his place within the religious circle and was rejected by the church, he fell out of faith and grew angry, feeling betrayed. He vandalised and set fire to several churches in his hometown and was eventually arrested

 He vandalised and set fire to several churches in his hometown and was eventually arrested

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Name: Damon Michael Edwards

Date of birth: 1939

Age: (at transformation) 36

Source of transformation: Alastor in 1975

Hair color: bald

Eye color: Light blue (human); Grey (vampire)

Height: 6ft 5in

Family / Relationships: Damon's parents were very controlling, and he grew up withdrawn and frustrated. Because of his difficult surroundings, Damon struggled to express himself and form meaningful relationships. He also suffers from low self-esteem.

Special abilities: Damon possesses the power of Constriction. He can mimic the attributes of a constricting snake, including squeezing extra-tightly with someone's body.

Education and Occupation: Damon struggled to make friends throughout his childhood and the few friendships he formed were short-lived. Despite this, he was a good student and passed all his exams.

Hobbies: Snakes and reptiles that can shred their skin from a young age fascinated Damon and he keeps dangerous snakes as pets. He enjoys feeding live animals to his snakes and watching the life slowly getting drained from them until they die. He finds death fascinating

Personal history: After school, Damon's fascination with death became a lot more prominent, and he gained employment doing jobs others didn't want to do. [Example: Killing
Animals in slaughter houses] He was usually fired when the boss heard of his concerning behaviour. His bad reputation eventually caught up with him and job opportunities dried up, causing him to resort to a life of crime. He is heavily tattooed and enjoys the pain from being inked. He damaged his left eye during a prison fight and was blinded in that eye. Since being transformed, he wears a white contact lens in the same eye.

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Other notable Imperium members:

Name: Connor Arthur Jones

Date of birth: 1950

Age: (at transformation) 28

Source of transformation: Alastor in 1978

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Hazel (human); Dark brown (vampire)

Height: 6ft 1in

Family / Relationships: Not much is known about Connor's life before he became a vampire. He is incredibly secretive and does not enjoy talking about his past. He is a solitary character is very selective about who he associates with.

Special abilities: Connor possesses the power of lie detection. He can sense if someone is telling the truth and can detect any lie being told at any moment, even if he the person is not talking directly to him

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