A girl is gone
Leaving no clue
Friends, relatives, everyone who knew her mourn ...cry...sad...
But they're don't really care deep deep inside
Some get attention claiming her as their friend
Some judge like bitches
Some cry hopelessly...her mother
Then after one week , three weeks, she's gone
No discussion on her
No one cares
It's a mystery
Her friends are happy without her
They move on
And what ?
They forget about her
Because they probably didn't need her
That poor,kind, depressed soul
Giving everything she could to anyone
In search of happiness
She's gone !
No one bothers
Why couldn't it be me?
That girl
People care or not
People think about me or not
I don't give a fuck
'Cause am bleeding out
Am dying everyday
Pain overtakes me
Am doomed.
Slow Death
Короткий рассказThis book is my getaway, my escape, my feelings. It's utter shit but if you wish to read it you may :) Quite a lot of emotions,feelings that are depressed, hurt, confused, fucked up..suicidal.. //pluvio-nyctophile//