the beginning of the end

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two lonely souls

have a way of

clinging onto each other

we knew we weren't compatible

but we held on

so that we weren't alone.





it was in the process 

of loving you

that I realized

 I've lost myself.





what do you do

when your problem

and your solution

is the same person?





the idea of things having a chance to work out

always make me excited but it is also what kills

me at the same time. you start to build up

expectations, and start to overthink when things

don't go accordingly to plan. you star predicting 

the fall, start finding flaws in yourself, and then

destroy the relationship before the relationship

destroys you. it's a whole internal torture, and the

only person doing it to you is yourself.





and what does it mean 

if the person who told you

that they will never leave

finally leaves?





I can't believe 

how quickly we went

from everything

to nothing.





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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