◇Talk to me◇

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Canvas street is pretty far from city center you thought, as you wandered through its narrowed alleyways. It's not that you particularly needed anything here or had a friend you needed to visit however.

    The singular thing you were aiming to do was snag great content of one of New Eridus notorious crime syndicate, the Red Fang Gang.

    See, ever since you landed your dream job of being one of New Ridu's dedicated reporters you had the unyielding drive to become the best of best. Have the juiciest stories, have the most charming commentary and become a smash hit writer in the last standing city.

Now that you've become a full fledged reporter after working in the journalism department for so long you were ecstatic to cut down your list of exciting article ideas.

    A series of small clacks follow behind you, your one and only little camera robot follows behind you. Libuka.  Its metal spider-like body trailing as cutely as it always did, when you were just starting out journalism.

    "Come on Libuka, I'm pretty sure the gangs hideout is over here!" You eagarly call out to your psuedo pet.

    Its Ai makes a displeased beep, as if to say "You're stupid for this." However these noises of discomfort never really registered to you in all your years of ownership.

    "That's the spirit!" You cheered finally turning a corner in  more secluded part of Canvas street.

    You hum happily, trying to find the alleged warehouse they were rumored to meet up, pen and note on hand. Libuka skittering, instantly perks up at something and tries to push you away. It's when you finally see some few people, dawned in Gang attire classic to the Red Fang group, carrying boxes.

     You couldnt help but squeal. Finally, this is where the real content begins. Unabashedly running over. "You're the best Libuka!"

    "I hate this." Beep.

    The masked units..are confused nonetheless at an exasperated, well dressed individual standing before them. Their boss didnt say anything about a newcomer for an operation they were preparing for.

    "Good morning! Or afternoon, either way its wonderful to meet you!" You, held out your hand, smiling all the while.

    The bulkier one clears his throat. Still confused, still on guard. "What. Who even are you??"

    You kept smiling, undeterred already knowing what card to play next.

    "I'm a really huge fan! I just wanted to write an article about Miguel Silver or the members for the Red Fang fanclub I'm in."

    The two look at eachother. You cant see their faces but by body language, it's clearly hesistant. The scrawnier one speaks up.
"You..have a fan club... for us?"

    "Yup, totally! For a while now actually, believe it or not alot of people heard about the gangs crazy escapades like robbery in 27th street or how you seized control of Canvas street and find you guys sooo cool, you must be the real deal." You flatter aggressively, weaving through their frankly fragile guard.

    That's a lie actually, no one likes them. Well scratch that, some probably do exist but you'd have to dig really hard to find them in dislike points and disabled comment sections so really does it count?

    "So.." You continue, "Can you take me to your boss so I can interview him, or I can just question you guys, either way it works! So may I interview you or your boss please?"

    The duo looks to eachother again, this time you can see them lit up with joy at the thought people admiring they're criminal history. They look back at you.

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