No good, very bad, horrible day

209 11 3

At Lumino square news station the new daily news anchor smoothly reads out his telegraph.

"Our next story for you is the urban legend surrounding Coffee and Vr gaming, reporter of the day, could you elaborate more on this?" He transitions the screen to display you, a meter away from a Coff Cafe in cloudy weather, dressed nicely, mic in hand and a quick wink to draw attention.

"Of course, allegedly there have been anecdotes from anonymous citizens that a fresh cup of coffee actually influences your gaming ability..Leading to locals swarming their local Coff Cafe to get their quickest fix before button mashing." Ugh, this story is so not your thing. Painfully unremarkable and full of fake hype.

"Uh..Excuse me.." A quiet voice tries to call out..too quiet for you to hear.

"This presumably started from a social media post from a regular top Snake player citing caffeine as an effective boost." Honestly there has to be more interesting stories to keep your rookie reporting fire going but that random cafe promoter just had to pay off the media executive...


"We can only hope that our Tin masters get an adequate break aft-"

It is until the cameraman gestures to you to look to your left, you hiss under your breath at the interruption but quickly understood when you saw a shy girl in green twin tails clutching her maid dress, wanting to cross the street that your set was unfortunately blocking.


"Of course, my apologies, miss." Your professional face is put back on as you step away to leave the sidewalk open..Might need to make a note of this next time..

"No, no it's fine....I'm so sorry I should've crossed the road.."   She mutters, quickly stepping past you and barely past the cameras lens.

You smiled, and tried to move yours hands to signal no offense was taken, not wanting draw to much attention to her live, she doesnt seem to be the type to want her face broadcasted..

It's a quick thought however, as the air suddenly shifts..The sky briefly changes colour and neon particles fill the air.

The cameraman backs away hesistantly, while the few bangboos your team brought scurry in a panic, one accidently trips you over with its stubby form as you fell backwards into something.

It's only milliseconds before you process what was amiss. Like time and space distorting, your environment changes. The echos of your few coworker calling your name linger as you vanish.

The brief terror of the green haired girl is the last thing you see, bits of particles float around as you finally identify them as planar fissure fragments.




A muffled thud against a rugged surface fills the air.

"Ugh...My head hurts.." You grumbled out...struggling to push your head out of the cold arid ground..Taking in the surroundings you spit your news microphone not too far away.

Disgruntled, you grabbed it and shook it a couple times to confirm it hadn't been absolutely destroyed because lord knows you do not want to pay for a replacement here.



Cold, rubble filled, desolate and filled with inhuman noises..

Tell tale signs..You're in a  bloody hollow.

"F!CK!" An instant kick to an empty trash can radiates through the dead zone..

◇°☆♡Cloutchaser♡☆°◇ (Zzz and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now