Red girl upon you

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You were waiting for Nekomata to come over, sitting in your living room couch back in your apartment complex, work related items strung about in favour of you wearing your favorite pajamas, a space is left behind for your camera bot, that rests on a pillow.

You were texting Boss Bellaire about tackling the false demolition event for the headlines. Another coworker was already crunching out one for tommorrows front page on the newspaper but you were granted the opportunity to write a later one about the situations aftermath. Which was satisfying enough for you, you didn't have much energy to type anything else to her, really.

Eventually a knock on your door ensues, only for it suddenly open seconds later, revealing Nekomata standing there, menacingly.

"How did you actually get inside?"

"You left a spare key in a plant meow, and your door is the only one with a plant." She says, staring in your soul.

"Ah damn." You blankly reacted "Take a seat."

The second you sat up she practically flops down like she owned the place before giving out a fully body stretch.

"So..uh..did you wanna talk about something..Or are you just freeloading me.."

"Both, dont worry though, I won't do anything crazy though meow."

"I dunno how to verify that."

The girl in red just stares at you unimpressed before continuing.

"Listen, you got video recordings of Miguel Silver in your camera thingy right?"

"Oh, yeah. I still do.." You did forget to delete them after your Red Fang section for the newspaper finally got printed. The videos were converted into voice recordings for the online version but you still had the raw forms on Libuka.

Nekomata watches patiently as you opened Libukas gallary storage, only to get mildly concerned when you eyes suddenly widen and starts frantically tapping through the screen interface.

The recordings are gone.

Actually no, Libuka had a full gallary wipe out even in the trash bin folder too!

Including the incrimniating evidence you had on Sarah's direct involvement with the demolition.

" something wrong..?"

Libukas ai finally responds a little, putting out its left front leg and you realized their joints were slightly damaged.

" good..should've hid the little buddy better from the that secretaries lackeys.."

" no recordings meow?"

"Probably not..I'll check Libukas memory cartridge, need assess the damage.." You sigh, placing the bot back onto a comfy pillow with a head pat. Get some rest, the day was rough.

"Could I ask why you wanted the footage in the first place? I have an alternative solution for your dilemma but i just want to know why first.."

The girl in red fidgets with her claws, her eyes close in her own sigh before explaining.

"He was the one who took me in when I was younger..." Nekomata quietly confesses.

A conflicted feeling washes over you but you tried to keep listening

"I..Wanted to remember his last moments..I figured you were the last person who got him on camera before..he fell into the hollow." She shows you a small charm it's a metal pendant that opened up to a small picture. Truth be told it was her standing with the former leader.

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