Local man gets fired.

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It's the first time your staying at station past evening. Watching intently as the broadcast technician sets up studio. Boss Bellaire suggesting you stand by on set to see hands on how live broadcasts work, leading you to let Libuka sleep (charge) at your apartment for a change.

You swung your feet excitedly as you looked over the tonight's broadcast scripts on a table, moments later before a voices calls out. "Hey, uh..dont mean to bother ya but could pass me the Hdr cable?"

Oh, right. You blinked thrice "Ah, yeah sure.." before ripping the velcro tie off the of the thick cable before launching it to the technician. 

"Thanks" he briefly says, a series of buttons press and you see the two anchors of tonight.

An older man walks over, specifically a telegraphe reader thats been in the station for a long time. Probably since you were in highschool now that you think about..

He waves out to you, well aware of Bellaires suggestion. "Sorry to keep you up so late rookie, glad you made it though." He smiles slightly through his aged wrinkles and adjusted his glasses.

"No worries at all, it's good to learn from your seniors anyways! Hope it goes well." You politely wave. Trying to contain the bit of excitement of  learning a the ropes and finally appearing on tv with a mic of your own.

The one beside him is someone unfamiliar though, he dons a public security uniform with a military esque mugshot for a default expression. You instantly deduce its breaking news, something crime related. Hopefully nothing too traumatizing.

"Honestly, there isnt much advice I got verbally, aside from keeping your cool. People will scrutinize over any discomfort you express nowadays so keep that poker face strong." Ghe regular anchor chuckles, taking a seat next to you as he drinks a cup of water, stolen from the water cooler.

"Hey uh..arent you supposed to be by the broadcast desk?" You point out.

"Oh no, that officer there as to give a briefing about some crime thing then I comment about something." He waves off and you turn your attention to the lights hitting the officers face.

His nonchalance about the entire thing quickly dissipated all your expectations of learning something new and exciting. Leading all your energy out with a small sigh at the minor realization.

It is breaking news unsurprisingly, 14th street is currently being consumed by a companion hollow, its ethereal already breaching level 3 containment policies.

"Citizens, I'm the head of Janus quarter public security current conducting an operation on 14th street" He sweats slightly. "I've regret to inform everyone that our operation have been disrupted due to an appearance of a hollow."

"Weather, celebrity breakup.."
Jasque hums quietly as he looks looks through his own copy of the telegraph script, the way his pupils swiftly scan through the contents it seem to barely care for the script hes reading.  Another so of water from the crinkled plastic cup.

Honestly trying to decipher any educational value from watching the pros is lost on you at this point.

Only for him to spit out his cold water, violently, nearly getting the unwanted liquid on your outfit, making you do a full body jerk away. The man looks utterly furious at his script and looking at the public security head at the set.

"The Red Fang Gang?? Oh hell no, not like this." He switches gears instantly, you only watching in mortification as he mumbles curses like a sailor and storms to the Public security head, mic fisted.

Ah the red..what..? Didn'tl you talk to them a few days ago..?

"Criminals, particularly their leader..Miguel Silver. Everyone must remain vigi-"

Ah, that guy.

"I'm f@¥ng pissed! As this stations reporter I can't listen to this anymore!! Those criminals need to get #&@*@!!"

The your fellow coworkerep, the PubSec head you now suddenly pity and yourself look on silently, in horror and confusion.

So much for the poker face statement...

"Listen mister reporter I'm still giving the briefing on this case-"

"I dont give a #^@%, listen here you Red Fang gang. Don't think the hollow can protect you! the public security air force is on the way, you're @#%ed! Is that right, officer?"

A coworker offhandedly whispers to you out of seemingly nowhere "Y'know, this is actually a great learning experience, just don't be him and boom, profit."

You just stare blankly, like watching being implictly forced to watch your parents argue about finanical security.

"Falcon 4 to commander" A low quality voice call comes from the pubsec heads walkie talkie, "We've arrived at the source of light and found the Red Fang Gang. Repeat, we've found the red fang gang, a waiting orders. "

The senior coworker for all his good for nothing now experience still speaks up, "What, you found the Red Fang gang?? Then what are you f#@:king waiting for commander??."

He then says something that flips the rooms mood even more.

"Pick out the biggest gun and rain down justice!!!" He yells into the microphone.

You choke out, and thank the gods a plug is pulled, shutting off the broadcast hastily. A bangboo with a "Lights, camera, action" board strung around its body carrys the crucial wire away past you, silently you pat its round little head.

Classy..You sure hope that falcon 4 guy didnt actually go through with killing literally everyone..


He didn't right?

Moments later sudden noises of explosions, gunshots and glass breaking permeate from the secruity officers walkie talkie.

Oh god those people are actually dead...

Finally having enough of this you walk over to rid your senior coworker of his speaking rights (His news mic) he eventually calms down and realizes the gravity of what just happened, as well as that everyone remaining in the room is staring at him very judgementally.

"Oh uh..sorry guys, you see, those guys kinda robbed me last week and it's been angering me for a while."

"Dude, get out of my station, you're fired." A voice of one of your superiors shouts from a doorway.

So that's how you recieved your first reporting assignment. Due to a shift in that coworkers firing you've recieved your first live tv task faster than you thought.

That being the grand opportunity of replacing him in inverviewing the winner of the Metropolitan construction bid, Perlman of the Vision Corporation live on television. It'll be your debut as a Eridu times reporter.

----Fun Facts♡----

-The walkie talkie incident keeps you up at night

-Speaking of night the thought that Miguel Silver probabaly died 3 days after you published your Red Fang article woke you up at 4 in the morning

-Your senior coworker specifically had his wallet and metro station pass taken which has angered him greatly in the past week

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