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Around 48 hours after you had breakfast with Nekomata you thankfully do receive a green light to have a short interview her new boss. She doesnt push you around too much from the morning dreariness, just waving you off with a signature grin. aafter that you hope to report Libukas tampering to Pubsec after finishing some write ups on the Vision debacle.

Honestly the thing still stuns you, it hasn't been that long since you obtained reporter status and your already busy with so many ripe topics, what a dream. If it's anything maybe it'll even bring to you to journalist of the year...if they had a such a award in the first place.

According to your mother they had one when the old capital was still well but no one bothered to pick it up again after the fact.

You talked with Serene about the ordeal last might, the magazine writer does give you some insight that the heroic third party was called the Cunning hares, a fairly established odd jobs group, which gave you a good benchmark on how to proceed.

By standing in a Mcdonalds lineup with a small package of machine oil you bought even earlier.

You see, according to the review section on their interknot odd jobs profile they have the grand rating of 1 star in all catagories except for the mission performance category with a 5 star rating. Most of the reasoning being..

"The pink haired one kept trying to bargain with me even after I practically gave her my salary!"

"Super unprofessional and very weird. The green girl kept ignoring me while eating a burger. The only thing good is that they did retrieve keys before I was late to work.."


"The pink one swindles me out of my dennies."

ot was already hammered into by Boss Bellaire to not pay or bribe for interviews whatsoever since you started, and you were definetly not risking being swindled out of your raw paycheck so you're preparing an offering.

Definetly not the same thing, you'd argue at least.

Which makes you question why a penny pinching group would be seen confronting a mega Corp, but hey sometimes you don't question good deeds.

Then again it's kinda your job to question everything so the last lines useless.

"Libuka, do you think I should by a frosty for us along with the peace offering?" You hummed as you looked at your bot resting in your bag back.

"Yeah sure get the limited edition flavour." It makes a few beeping sounds.

"You're right, I'll get a classic as always." You smiled.





"Billy! Get the door!" A voice is barely heard, this apartment seems to have thinner walls and more of rundown appearance than yours in Lumino square. Then again its Lumino square so maybe it's not a surprise.

"Awh but me and Anby were getting to the good part!"

More internal shuffling ensues, you were pretty sure you heard Nekomata hissing in the mix too  but eventually the doorway opens to the same flamboyant automaton you saw last night.

"Why hello there! Welcome to our humble abode, great to finally talk to you!" Billy's oddly expressive body language doesnt give you a chance to question his genuinity, or his dedication to an act, either way it puts you at ease, Libuka on the other hand crawls around, completely ignoring him.

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