Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was in my last lesson of the day. P.E. It was going disastrously. The two team captains were choosing their team members and guess who was the last person remaining? Oh yeah, that's right, me. Not only that but I swear I was getting hit by the netball on purpose. It didn't hurt or anything, but seriously? It was pissing me off. A little respect wouldn't go amiss.

Just then, the bell rang signalling the end of class. I went into the changing rooms to get out of these hideous shorts and tee. As I went inside one of the shower cubicles, I could hear a girl and boy in the one beside mine. I could guess what they were doing as they were repeatedly banging against the mutual wall.

"Jared, ohhhh, Jared baby" the girl moaned. Brittany Brooks. I could identify her just from her voice. She has tormented me for the last four and a half years and here she was with Jared James. I guess he did come into school today then. The best things happen to the worst of people I guess. He didn't speak. I could hear them leaving and I relaxed a little.

I couldn't wait to go home.

I couldn't wait to go online.

I couldn't wait to speak to Justin.

Let me tell you about Justin. One day, I was casually browsing the Internet where I found a chat room and I found Justin. It really is as simple as that. We got talking when he questioned me about my username: MissAnthropist. I guess he found the pun amusing and we became friends right away. My first real friend. He understood me when no one else was there. Unfortunately, he goes to a boarding school which is three hours away from where I live. Trust that to happen to me. I'm not complaining, at least I can message him online.

On that thought, I hurried home. I would tell Justin all about my day. From being late, to finding Brittany all over the boy I liked. He deserved to know. I put the key into the keyhole, as I entered the front door, I remembered mum was going to be late tonight. A smile broke out from my face. It meant I would be undisrupted whilst speaking to Justin. I prized this time of day.

I threw the bag on my bed and moved towards the desk to the left of my bed to switch the laptop on. While waiting for it to load, I headed downstairs to heat up the leftovers of yesterday's dinner and make some tea. As soon as both were done, I climbed up the stairs carefully not to spill anything and sat in the chair next to the desk. I signed into my online account which I used to message Justin and I saw one unread message. I couldn't contain my excitement! I quickly opened it and it said:

From: JJ4M35

To: MissAnthropist

Hey Ari! How's your day been so far? J x

I looked to the bottom right hand corner of the screen to check the time. 3:55pm. Justin was usually online at this time. I responded with:

From: MissAnthropist

To: JJ4M35

Hi Just, today was ridiculous :( I hate school and everyone in it, I wish you were there. Life would be infinity times better :( Ari x


From: MissAnthropist

To: JJ4M35

Argh! It was so annoying, I felt like crawling into a ball so the earth could swallow me up whole. BTW, you will NEVER guess what happened next! You remember that girl Brittany? The one that always harasses me during lunch? She was with the boy I sit next to in maths in a shower cubicle, I mean it's OBVIOUS what they were doing. It just ruined my whole day! I wish he would notice me sometimes :( What should I do J? Ari x

From: JJ4M35

To: MissAnthropist

Uhm, Ariana... You're worth more than him. I'm sure there's someone right under your nose that really likes you, focus on him rather than wasting your time on that idiot. I have to go now, I'm going back home to stay. I'll message you soon... I love you. J x

From: MissAnthropist

To: JJ4M35

Oh please! Stop lying to make me happy! Ari x

That was weird. Justin never calls me by my full name. And what was that about someone "right under my nose" that likes me? He doesn't know what the people in school are like! No one speaks to me, let alone likes me.

What frustrates me even more is that I won't be able to talk to him properly once he goes back home! Where do I go from here?


Author's note:

Hey guys! How was this chapter? Have things become a little clearer?

Just a couple of things to point out:

1) MissAnthropist - Ariana came up with this username from the word 'misanthropist' which means just hating people in general and she's used that to describe herself. Hence becoming MissAnthropist :))

2) Also, you may be able to recognise that Justin loves Ariana which is why he was acting a little weird in his last message. But basically she's basically friend zoned him:/

I hope you guys will enjoy the twist that's going to come in Chapter 3. It will be up when there's a few more votes!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

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