Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I closed the front door behind me and locked it since no one was home.

It was about time I cleared my head. I still haven't heard from Justin, he must hate me. For what reason, I don't know. Although I had no hope he would message me again, I kept checking.

It was a hot summer's day; I was burning up in what I was wearing. I realised there was no need for the thick cardigan and jacket on top. I opened the door again and reluctantly took them off to reveal my slender pale arms. I was wearing a pink flowery summer dress that had no sleeves. It fit my body perfectly leaving me feeling so bare, so naked to the outside world. I began perspiring under the skinny jeans I had on and decided no jeans would do. As I gazed at my bare legs, I felt a sense of femininity. I contemplated over the fact that I've never had a boyfriend. Why was this? What was wrong with me? Was I that repelling that no boy would even look at me?

I was far beyond caring anymore.

I collected my thoughts together and headed out for the second time. I didn't know where I was going yet, all I knew was that I would pretend to be a normal teenager. Not the closed up introvert I was.


As I entered the park I noticed the beams of sunlight glowing on my skin, the bark of a dog in the distance, the scraping sound of a jogger's trainers on a gravel sidewalk, the sweet aroma of the ripening peaches in an orchard nearby and the young couple having a picnic under a shady olive tree. It was such an enchanting sight. The flowers begun to blossom, resembling the landscape of the Amazon forest. Reds, purples, blues and oranges surrounded me.

The children's laughter was music to my ears, unleashing my inner child. I jumped on to the swings and as I began swinging, the slight breeze sent goosebumps all over my body. I've never felt a sensation like this before.

I lost track of time, I must have been on the swings for over an hour now. I was lost in my own thoughts, I realised that life isn't so bad.

But then reality hit me. I saw the "popular" kids from school entering the park. Fuck! I completely forgot that the youth centre was just opposite. Panicking, I didn't know what to do! In the spur of the moment, I jumped off the swing whilst in mid air and fell on my knees.

"Look what we have here!" Brittany Brooks laughed hysterically.

I didn't look up, I began getting up when I noticed the cut in my knee. My stomach churned, leaving my head spinning in circles. I grasped my temples, pushing down on my forehead. Scarlet red blood dripped down my pale leg. At the corner of my eye, I could see that a crowd had formed.

"The socially inept tramp has decided to leave the house!" Brittany mocked.

I could hear laughter in the background. I could feel tears welling up. No, not right now. This couldn't be happening. I should have stayed at home. What was I thinking? I feared for my well-being so I stood up and began turning to limp my way home when I felt a hand grab my arm viciously.

"Who do you think you are, walking away from me, you little slut?!"

More laughter. The crowd was bigger now.

I pulled my arm, unsuccessfully. Her grip became tighter. Her nails were digging into my skin,


Justin's point of view:

"We're heading to the park for a little while, you coming?" The blonde girl winked at Jared, I think her name begins with a B or something. I didn't like the look of her.

Jared look towards me, silently asking me what I wanted to do.

"Wait for me outside, let me just get my application form." I responded.

A few minutes later, I joined Jared. It was like looking in a mirror that's been scribbled on with a marker pen. We're so alike, it makes me shiver. Yet so different. As we were crossing the road to the park, I looked up and could see around thirty people huddled together laughing. What was going on?

Jared and I approached the huddle and my heart nearly skipped a beat.

It was the girl.

The beautiful girl from the train station.

What was she doing here?

Her lips were covered in blood, her arms had deep scratches on them and her knee bleeding excessively.

Who would do such a thing?

I looked to the left and I saw the girl, the girl so desperate for my brother.

"What the fuck, bro?! Aren't you going to do anything?"

He didn't respond. He simply walked away, in the opposite direction. By the time I turned back, the group had dissolved. The beautiful girl was left on the floor, sobbing the pain away.


Ariana's point of view:

Those hits to my face must have caused some form of brain damage. It didn't make sense. I saw two Jared's walking over here. What didn't make more sense was that one was the Jared I knew for the last few years of my life and the other was the Jared I saw at the train station. I looked down at my body and could see people moving away. They didn't want to be caught red handed just in case any one called the police. As I looked up, I could see Jared holding his hand out to help me up.

"Hi, my name is Justin. Are you okay?"


Author's note:

There we go! Ariana's about to realise that it isn't her mind playing tricks on her but Jared has a twin brother!

What do you think so far? 

Vote and comment! 

The next chapter won't be up so soon because I've got so much revising to do and I've wasted a whole week! But if the story gets 45 votes, I may do it sooner!

Hope you enjoyed it! ♥

Also, there's a picture of Jared James on the right-hand side:))

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