Real Meeting

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~1 week later~

I started to get used to the camp.I even got some friends.I got more closer to Nico.Everyone said that he is a cold mysterious boy here but for me?Yes he was mysterious and a bit cold but not much to me as he for others.I think its because we are brother and sister.Actually he should've been my big brother but our father put him and Bianca in a Casino which is magical.So when you walk in there,you dont want to get out and while you are thinking that you are in there for few hours,you have been there for weeks.Nico and Bianca stayed there a lot,since 20th Century so they didnt get older because of the magic of the Casino.Because of this we just have 1 age between us but he is still the older one.17-16..not a big difference.

Percy and most of the peoples that I met here told me that I am lucky,because nearly all demigods came here when they were 12 and its so dangerous for a demigod to be outside of this shelter,especially for the childs of the big three.I didn't know why I didn't die or tried to be killed or catched but I was alive and this was the important part.

Percy introduced me his friends.Annabeth,her girlfriend, was a kind clever and pretty girl.Daughter of Athena,so I didn't suprise when I saw how clever she was.She was funny and brave.I haven't seen her trainings but heard her missions and I was sure that this girl was so strong while seen so weak.

Jason,son of Jupiter(Rome form of Zeus),handsome blonde boy with blue eyes,boyfriend of Piper McLean.By the rumors about him,I mean except how handsome he is -you know mostly Aphrodite's childs makes rumors so most of them were about how handsome he was- I heard that he was so brave,strong and talented.

Piper,daughter of Aphrodite,so a pretty brave girl who always try not to look good.

When I was sitting and listening their missions,I heard how brave and strong the girls were,and then a random question come up to my mind "Could I be as much strong as them?".I heard that the childs of the big three are the strongest but I didn't know that I could be as strong as them..I hope I could.

Unfortunately Percy and the others had one more friend.Leo Valdez.Son of Hephaestus.Funny and kinda cute.My ex.Actually when he saw me here first he thought we were still dating..It was so funny.

~Flashback Few Days Ago~

I was walking in the forest untill I heard someone's steps.It was hard to hear on the soil.However I was trying to see everywhere and get used to it.After one more step sound I noticed that I was following by someone,or something.In this magical world everything was possible..

Everyone here was carrying a weapon except me.I was afraid a bit.I was walking around after my spear lesson so my spear was with me.I was bad at it but it was the only thing which i can defend my self right now.

I thought of running fastly to the camp after confusing the thing, which is following me, by walking randomly but that was nearly impossible.I kept walking in the forest,but I was going deeper...Soon,I made a decision.I counted to 3 aside me and turn back fastly and defend my self.I couldn't attack before I saw what was it.I wished it to be a giant monster,but it was worse:it was Leo Valdez.

He ran and hugged me.I couldn't move because of the shock I had.Then he left me, and tried to kiss.And then he fell off.Okay,I might pushed him but he deserved!He left me without telling anything or sending a text,making a sign etc.He went plenty of missions but didn't leave 2 minutes to see me or communicate.Didn't even come and apologize when I first came here.

He stand up after his shock end.I didn't know what to do.Run off and hope not to see him again?No,it would be ridiculous.Shout at him?No,too harsh.I decided to stay there in shock and led him do something.

"Ouch,Chloe,what was that for?" He said.

I started to laugh.I couldn't kept myself calm.

"What was that for?Oh think about it.Use your mind,then you may found it,liar."I said,maybe a bit loud,but didn't mind it anyway.

I stayed there and watched his shock for seconds then started walking fastly through the deeper parts of the forest.Yes,it was ridiculous and dangerous but that was the only way I could stay alone.I climbed to a tree and started to think of what has just happened while watching the dawn.


I haven't seen Leo for days,maybe it should made me happy but I wasn't relax about it.

Today, I was going to train sword with Percy.Heard nice right?No,it wasn"t nice.He was DEFINITELY a professional about it.I arrived to the place where we were going to train.

"Hi" I said as I stepped on the platform.Then falled off.I shocked that he attacked immediately!He smiled and said "Hi" as he thrust a help hand to me.I stand up without holding his hand.

"What was it?Why-Why did you do that?" I asked as was trying to understand.

"You should be ready for anything, or you can die in any time." He said while still smiling.

"Oh then I should thank you?" I asked.

"It would be nice" He said mockingly.

"Thank you"I mumbled mockingly.

"Let's start then?" He asked.

"You already started" I mumbled quietly.

"Yes" I said then.

He get ready to attack and stand ready.I stand like I wasn't ready and didn't changed my position.He became a bit suprised.He was right to be.If he wanted to play,I was.However,it was a bit risky.

He attacked first and I moved a bit right hold his hand which was holding his sword, and hold his body stabil.Then I putted his own hand and sword on his throat.

"You want to play?Guess what,I am volunteer!" I said and pushed him.

He fell off.Then stand up and smiled.He attacked immediately and kept my body stabil just like i did.

"I wanted to teach you easy to hard,I guess you dont want it.It doesn't matter for me" He said and pushed me too.

But I guess he didn't realised that we were standing by the corner of the platform.I fell off too,from the platform.Okay it wasn't that high but it was enough to broke my leg.I fainted because Percy pushed me so hard and I definitely hit the floor.Last thing I remember was Percy's voice and someone's scream,a familiar voice, I guess it was Leo's.

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