Light of Hope

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When my conscience came back,I heard someone was crying and arguing with a boy.Actually,they were both boys.I kept my eyes closed not to let them see that I woke up because I was wondering what were they arguing about.

"It was an accident,I didn't realise that we were at the corner!" Crying boy said sadly and trying to persuade the other boy.

"You didn't had to throw her like that!If anything worse happen to her I will burn you Jackson." The angry boy shouted and left.

I realised that they were arguing about me but Jackson?Wait,thats Percy's surname.But who were the other boy and why were Percy crying?

I opened my eyes like I just woke up and I felt a pain on my left leg.

"Mmh" I moaned because it was the only thing I could say.My leg was hurting so much.Lile a giant pain.

Percy cleared his eyes and sat next to me.

"Oh thanks Gods,you woke up!How do you feel?" He asked.

"My leg hurts a lot, and my head.What happened?" I asked.

I couldn't even move my head to look at my leg.

"Y-you fell a-and broke your leg, be-because of me bu-but I am so sorry.I didn't want to cause this.I-I didn't realise where we were.I am so sorry Chl-" he said but i didn't let him finish.

"Its okay Percy it wasn't your fault,its my passion's fault.You don't have to say sorry" I said.

Tears started to came out from his eyes.His ocean-blue eyes.His eyes were looking amazing after he cried.He is a good boy and I guess a good boyfriend.Annabeth was so lucky, but if I tell her that, you may have to come to my funeral.

"No,no it was my fault.I am your trainer and I should have been pay attention.Sorry again" He said sadly.

"Even if it was your fault -but it wasn't- I don't mind it.Its okay" I said while trying to smile with this giant pain.

He didn't said anything for minutes.

"Did I fainted for a day?Because it would be a miracle to sleep for a day with this pain" I said but I may made a wrong move because it may let him feel more accused.

"No,just few hours.Leo visited you,he was a bit angry to me.I don't know why. Have you ever met with him before?" He asked.

"Oh,yeah.Actually more than that, we were dating till, he left me without saying anything in a museum trip which we went with school" I said.

He was a bit shocked but I was expecting this.

"Oh he had to leave you,trust me.I wasn't there but Annabeth and a demigod of Iris saved them.I heard that he even fainted during the fight.Some monsters attacked them as I remember." He explained.

That was the thing that I wasn't expecting.

"What?Are you serious?"I was a bit regret about what did I have done...

"I heard they went a plenty of missions.He could communicate with me or made something to send me a letter or something" I said.

"I am sure that he wanted you to be safe,because if monsters would learn that you knew him, they would kidnapped you and use against him.Also they would realise that you are daughter of Hades and would definitely kill you." He said.

"When can I get out of here" I asked.I needed to talk with him, at least apoligize.

"I don't know but the nurse told me to give you some ambrosia" He said and gave me some ambrosia.

I ate it and drinked nectar.

"Now can I go out of this hell?" I asked.I don't like places like hospitals anyway.

"You are so fast Chloe.You can't even move your head.Calm down." He said.

"But I can if you help me" I made a puppy face.

"I will ask to the nurses okay?Wait here" He said like I can move and go somewhere.Annabeth is right,this kid is really a seaweed brain.

Percy came back in few minutes and helped me to stand up.He gave me two crutches.I thanked him and we started to walk slowly because of me.He offered to leave me to my hut but I refused.I had to find Leo.

I searched him everywhere and it was camp-fire time.I looked for him there but he wasn't there.I made my vow to the Gods and was nearly sit but I remembered one more place where Leo would be.9th storehouse.Okay it was at the forest and it would be like impossible for me to go there but nothing is impossible, and I had to.

I started to walk in the dark and deep forest.I have to admit that it was very scary but I felt that he was there.

I heard footsteps in the forest -deja vu huh?- I thought it was Leo again and turned back but my thoughts were wrong.I was going to die here,in this cold,silent,dark and scary forest.Actually, it wasn't that cold,it gets warmer and warmer but I didn't know why.Maybe all peoples who were about to die felt like that.

I saw a light in the darkness at the back of the furias and I thought it was the white light which everyone saw when they are about to die.That warm bright light,my end...

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