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[Author POV]

"What are you doing here? Get off the ground," Jungkook scolded.

Chaewon is not surprised by Jungkook's behavior because she knows that there are no more restrained people like Jungkook in the world but that is the big problem.

"Your Majesty, I am tonight-"

"Tonight? What tonight?" Jungkook's mood worsened and he narrowed his eyes menacingly.

Chaewon is slowly getting nervous on his behaviour but mustering all her courage, she said, "I am here to entertain you tonight."

It's like Chaewon shot a fiery arrow into Jungkook's brain. All of Jungkook's senses ignited and his face turned into stone. He stared at her for a moment and then said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Your Majesty..." Chaewon flinched at Jungkook's cold-blooded eyes.

"Guard!" As Jungkook screamed, two guards immediately appeared.

As soon as she saw the guards, she lost her senses as usual. She fell at Jungkook's feet and prays not to throw her out but Jungkook jerks his feet away.

Chaewon thought that if she could somehow seduce Jungkook and get pregnant tonight, Jungkook and Lalisa will be bound to accept her. According to her, men can never control their desires, no matter how restrained they be. Moreover, Jungkook is without a woman for almost two years now. But what is happening is beyond her expectations.

The guards began to drag Chaewon out but she was putting all her strength on bet to stay. As she stood on her feet properly, Jungkook noticed something. He immediately told the guards to stop & yanking her arm to him, he asked in a firey tone, "Where did you get this dress?"

Jungkook could still remember it was the dress that he sent to Y/N to wear it in the enthronement ceremony. He didn't even saw it in Y/N's room ever but how come Chaewon have it after this long? Moreover, this dress looks it has never been wore before, all new.

"I-" Chaewon paused as she didn't know how to answer.

"Speake!" Jungkook roared & she shivered.

Chaewon had no way out. Suddenly an idea popped in her head. To save herself, she has to go with it.

"Queen Lalisa gave me & sent me here. I am not here at fault."

Jungkook's expression turned ugly and he stared at Chaewon with furious eyes for several seconds & then gritted his treeth, saying, "You must take this dress off. FAST!"

He shouted at the guards at the end & without a moment's delay, the guards took her out of the chamber. When the atmosphere calmed down, Jungkook closed his eyes tightly and let out a sigh. How could his mother stoop so low as to send a maid to his room now? Why is she so enmity with Y/N?

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When Chaewon was thrown into her room by the guards, she lay on the ground. No drop of tears fell from her eyes because of extreme anger. She expressed her furiousity by repeatedly hitting the ground with fisted hands. She did not know what to do now.

At the end of the matter, Chaewon put all the blame on Y/N. She thinks because of her Jungkook isn't looking at her. She left but didn't stop her devilry even after that. She must be taught a lesson.

"Even if I can't do anything to you physically, I will never give you peace mentally," muttered Chaewon as she took a paper and sat down to write a letter.

With the touch of an ink pad, she would ignite Y/N's heart.

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