44. Kisss 💋

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The next day, Sheya walked into the office, her expression a mix of frustration and concern.

She spotted Rina near the coffee machine and made her way over.

"Rina, I need to talk to you," Sheya said, her voice low but urgent.

Rina looked up from her coffee and nodded, noticing Daniel, the café owner, through the window.

He was standing behind the counter, eyes following Sheya as she moved.

Rina frowned, a protective instinct kicking in.

"Sure, what’s up?" Rina asked, trying to mask her annoyance at Daniel’s gawking.

Sheya glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot.

"I’ve been receiving these strange cards for the past few days. They’re anonymous, but the messages are... unsettling."

Rina’s expression turned serious.

"What kind of messages?"

Sheya sighed, rubbing her temples.

"They’re vague but creepy. Stuff like, ‘I see you,’ and ‘You can’t hide.’ It’s starting to freak me out."

Rina’s eyes narrowed as she considered the implications.

She glanced again at Daniel, who was now busy with a customer but kept sneaking glances at Sheya.

"Is this Daniel good with you?" she asked, her tone pointed.

Sheya looked puzzled. "Daniel? Yeah, he’s fine. Why?"

Rina leaned in, her voice a whisper.

"What if the guy sending you those cards is Daniel? He looks at you like a creep. Maybe he likes you?"

Sheya recoiled at the suggestion. "What? No way. He treats me like any other customer."

Rina shook her head, not convinced.

"You have no idea. The man keeps staring at you. He’s always watching."

Sheya rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but that doesn’t mean he’s the guy. He’s harmless."

Rina sighed, her concern evident.

"Maybe, but be careful. You never know with people."

Sheya nodded slowly, appreciating Rina’s perspective.

"I get it. I’ll keep an eye out."

Just then, Karv walked into the office, his presence commanding attention.

He glanced briefly at Sheya and Rina before heading to his office.

Sheya felt a shiver run down her spine, remembering the previous night’s encounter.

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