Chapter 2- The city of love

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Chapter 2- The city of love

_______Andrea's Pov_______

My peaceful slumber was abruptly ended early in the morning by a loud voice. I tried to ignore it but I was so irritated that I got up from my bed angrily.

"How dare you disturb a princess as she sleeps, you nasty peasantry person, or should I call you a dog, you filthy animal!" I shouted when I saw a maid in my room.

"Princess, I am sorry to wake you and your friends but if you don't leave now, you will not get to Paris in time." my maid, Madame Geneva said and then quickly walked out of my room, probably offended by what I had said when I got up.

"Madame Geneva, I'm sorry!" I said, feeling a bit bad for what I had said to her.

"You always say that and of course you mean what you said. If you didn't then you would not have said that."she responded.

"Madam Geneva, watch your tone with me. After all, I am royalty." I said upset at her tone towards me.

I left my chambers and went to the other rooms in which my friends had slept. They were already up and they were having maids prepare their baths and clothing.

"Good morning ladies." I said and they all responded cheerfully.

"We leave at ten o'clock sharp. We will be treated like royalty so we shall all wear formal dresses but not long ball gowns." Duchess Maria said smiling.

Duchess Maria was twenty-two years old and had been married for four years now to Duke Dominique of Italy. She loved her husband now, but when she had first gotten married, I remember hearing rumors of her running away. We now laugh about these moments and she actually teases us about getting married.

Soon, we were all dressed in beautiful designer dresses and had expensive bags and suitcases ready to be brought to my private jet.

I left for Paris without telling my parents. It would not matter any way, for they would read it in the paper or see us on the news. They would not even miss me, as they were too busy running the kingdom.

We were brought to the airport in a black limousine and walked straight through the airport. People stared at us and bowed before us.

Half an hour later, we arrived in Paris and were being photographed by many people. We smiled and waved for a while, then we left to be driven to our beautiful hotel suite, which had the view of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris was so beautiful, with the river which flowed all around the city. It was like magic. The girls and I, however, had no time to sit and stare at the city. Instead, we needed to make an appearance that would have people starring at us. 

We immediately called our stylists who were in France to assist us with our make-up and dresses.

Three hours later, we were ready to go to Paris fashion week.  We were making a guest appearance and everyone would bow to our feet in awe. When we arrived, all the attention left the famous celebrities and was brought to our attention. When we stepped out, our body guards were there to protect us. Cameras dazzled in our faces and people bowed before us in submission as we are royalty.

When we got inside, we were escorted to front row seats and we could hear celebrities complain as these were their seats. It was quite a funny sight, as Kim Kardashian quarreled along with her sisters as they wanted front row seats but were given second row seats.

After watching the show for about an hour, I got bored and decided to leave. Don't get me wrong, the fashion designs were great, but I just felt as if I was meant to be somewhere else.

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