Chapter 5- Missing Princess

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Chapter 5- Missing Princess

_______Princess Andrea's POV______

All day long, the maids had been trying to get me out of my chambers. I refused to leave my chambers and had actually remained on the floor next to my door the entire night crying. I wish I wasn't a princess and could just be free to do what I want. So many rules kept me bound to the castle. I was a slave to royalty and I hated it.

I decided to get up from the floor and went to my bathroom and had a long shower. Normally, my maids would shower me and comb my hair but I was tired of being treated as if I was a fragile baby, incapable of doing simple tasks. When I was done, I put on some casual clothes which I had gotten from a mall when I went out with my friends a couple of months ago. I wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a black hoodie and some sneakers. I also put on shades and packed a suitcase with casual clothes.

I hadn't eaten all day and I had no appetite to do so either. My one goal was to leave the castle without anyone stopping me. Then again, I did not care. I was the boss around here so I decided to do what any rebellious teenager would do. I grabbed my suitcase, opened the door and exited my chambers. It was surprisingly silent in the castle and with that I quickly exited, got into my car and drove off.

Wow, that was easier than I thought. After five minutes of driving, I suddenly saw a police patrol car following me. Before long, two others were coming in different directions. I sped up and drove to a near by park, full of happy children playing with their friends and adults just talking or sitting, watching their children have fun.

I parked my car and fled with my suitcase. I was quite nervous as the police officers were hot on my trail. One of the servants must have informed my parents of my disappearance. I had been forbidden to exit the castle without Prince Derek's permission or my parents' permission. I was going to be in so much trouble.

Well, I would only be in trouble if my plan backfired and I wasn't about to let that happen.

After hiding and dodging looks of suspicion, I was able to go to a cafe, where I had some hot tea and a sandwich in peace. I was disguised so no one would expect a princess to be in such casual clothing. I then paid for the stuff and left the cafe. I went to the park to get my car, but it had been surrounded by police officers so I quickly made a u-turn before they could spot me.

I now had two options, take the metro- train or go back to the castle, and to be honest, I wasn't fond of either but the first option would help me escape.

People also called it the 'London Tube' and I was quite scared. In my eighteen years of life, I had never been on a train.

This was going to be fun......note my sarcasm.

I eventually got there after asking people directions. I bought a ticket and was on for a long journey.

These were the worst two hours of my life.

I was sitting on the train minding my own business when some perverted guys tried to hit on me and I almost revealed my identity. I almost started to regret my decision. I should have just stayed in the castle and be a slave to the royal kingdom.

When I got to Paris, I rushed to get a taxi. I then gave them instructions on where to bring me. I arrived there and then I hesitated for about half an hour before going to knock on the door.

_______Queen Emerly's POV____

"Honey, don't you think we're being too harsh on her?" I asked sadly, "She's been in her room the whole day and refuses to speak to anyone. She has not eaten and this is very unhealthy."

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