Chapter 8 - Locked Up

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Chapter 8- Locked Up

____Princess Andrea's POV______

Waking up to see gray and dooming walls caused tears to fall from my red eyes. I guess this was my fault. I asked for this. I challenged my parents and almost caused a war after two hundred years of peace because I was in love with a commoner. I had no choice. It was either losing Daniel forever or leaving him to fulfil my duties as the new Queen of England and wife of the soon to be King Derek. I hated Derek with all that I had. I wish I could banish him for all the horrible things he has done. For threatening me, a Princess. I don't know who gave him jurisdiction over England and my life but if something is not done to stop him from being King, England and the rest of the world may be doomed.

I miss Daniel so much. I begged Prince Derek not to hurt him, but I had to do exactly what he said in return.

It was early in the morning and I was going to surprise Daniel with breakfast from one of the restaurants in the hotel. I left our suite and was headed downstairs to the main lobby. I was almost there when I heard loud voices and to my horror, royal guards from England and Canada surrounded the place. I stooped down and hid behind a wall and my heart was literally beating out from my chest. A cold sweat took over my body and my face went pale.

"We are looking for Princess Andrea. We know she is hiding in this hotel. If you do not tell us where she is, we will declare a war on Spain." the head guard shouted.

"I-I... I don't know of any Princess staying in this hotel." the receptionist stuttered, probably freaking out on the inside. 

"If you do not tell us where she is now, you will regret it." Prince Derek said, stepping forward and I gulped in fear. He looked more threatening than I had ever seen before and I almost died from fright. My mind was racing and I did not know what to do. I didn't want to draw attention to myself or be caught by one of the guards, so I decided to get up from the ground and I quietly began to walk briskly to the elevator and then ran like a burglar trying not to be seen as I got closer to the elevator. I had to warn Daniel. We had been caught and just thinking about what Prince Derek could do to Daniel made my heart shatter to the ground. I had to protect Daniel, the love of my life. 

I got back to the apartment and paced up and down for a good two minutes, before realising that Daniel was still asleep and I needed to awake him.

I tried waking him but he was sleeping as hard as a rock. I felt a sob escape my mouth and covered my mouth with my hand. 

How could everything go so wrong? Our plan was going perfect. I guess maybe it was due to the fact that I used my credit card to pay for this place. I guess tracking these things down were easier than I thought. 

I sat at the desk and wrote a quick note to Daniel and went to our closet and slipped the note into one of my jackets. It was a brief note. This was not goodbye and so I was positive that I would see Daniel again. Nothing bad was going to happen. That's if Prince Derek even locates me in this place. 

I got out of the closet and heard pounding at the door. 

I felt my heart drop out of my chest and I shakily asked,

"Who is it?" 

"Room service" the man replied.

" I didn't order any room service!" I shouted in response. 

"It's on the house ma'am" the man responded. 

I looked out of the peep hole to see a young man with a tray of food on a serving cart. 

It would look suspicious if I did not open the door and I really did not want to draw too much attention to myself. If this was a trap, then all I could do was pray to God to save the future Queen from the evil Prince who wanted to decimate the royal kingdom. I opened the door hesitantly and he offered me a menu and a list of breakfast items available. They all looked tantalising and I informed the young man that I wanted pancakes with chocolate syrup, bacons and eggs with chocolate tea. I mean, if this was going to be my last day here with Daniel and my last day of freedom, I should eat like the Queen I would one day be, that is, if I live to see that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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