Chapter Seventeen - Lesson Learnt

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// <3 <3 <3 (last love chapter of this book as it is ending)

Marley's POV

I let out a soft moan as the kisses continued up and down my neck. "What are you doing?" I decided to ask her, wanting to lay down but she wanted me sat up. She was sat on her knees next to me, chuckling to herself. Without saying anything, her hand trailed down my body and that was when I knew that I played with the wrong vampire...who happened to be my girlfriend and my mate. What a crazy world...


"That's right. I'm yours and I forever will be." she told me back, before I gently caressed her face, moving her head to the side so that I could see her neck. The pleasure increased, taking me to another world entirely as I sank my fangs into Mabel's neck, causing her to moan out in surprise. Why was she surprised by that when she knew it was going to happen? 

I fed from her for two minutes, before finally claiming her as mine. I had no idea why it took me so long. The moment was now.

I then pulled back, placing a kiss against her neck before I placed my lips against hers. The kiss was long and passionate, eventually laying my mate down and I moved on top of her, admiring her slender body. 

"I would do anything to see myself from your point of view." she told me, "I see a beautiful naughty vampire." I told her back, before I moved further down and went straight to the best part. Her sounds....if we had neighbours, they would be knocking on our front door by now. 

It took five rounds for her to be 'wiped out', as she was fast asleep next to me. I moved some of her hair out of the way, leaning forward and placed a small kiss against her cheek before I moved off the bed to see what Milena was up to in the other bedroom. And it was a really good thing that I checked on her...

I finished what she started, and when I was about to be done, I watched her move under me and I let out a small moan, feeling her little...

You knew what she was doing...

"Just go for it, babe..." I encouraged her before she did exactly what I said. I ended up covering my mouth, moaning loudly into it.

Two rounds later, I was exhausted. I was breathing heavily and my body was a total state. 

Lesson learnt. 

Do not add pressure to the pleasure. 

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