Chapter 2

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Another day, another morning to wake up to which... I don't really mind. I like waking up early so that I have more time for myself over the day. Not only that but more time means more time to work on your project. And more time on your project means better grades. And better grades means good college degree and good college de— yeah, you get the point.
        "Stop thinking so much— right, pills." My body turns around on the heal, almost hitting the closet next to my bed that I managed to out-swift in time without even looking at it and quickly walking down towards my kitchen in order to find my pill box. Right as I was about to reach my hand out towards one of the drawers in the corner of my kitchen and pull it open, I realized that there was still some pizza left from yesterday on the counter.
          "Look at that, some pizza was left from yesterday. Come to me." I said as I reached out and grabbed onto the pizza slice only to let it out of my hold in an instant after the glibber-y, cold and fatty texture slid along my fingers, wiping them off on my T-shi— shit. "Where is my t-shirt at?" I asked myself as my head tilted down only to see the fact that I don't have any kind of top on, standing there with my chest out and slightly dirty fingers up in halt midway. Great, now where do I even wipe my fingers off at? They are dirty and when I touch the kitchen tap then that would get dirty as well. "For fuckings sake— Leonora!"
        My head turned to the side as I shouted, looking at one of the closed off rooms in my apartment while standing before the sink and counter with slightly dirty hands stretched out so that it didn't touch anything. "Leonora!" I shouted again, and just like earlier, no one answered nor came out of the room I previously looked at. Well... that was a problem.

With a frustrated groan, I spun around on the heals of my feet, desperately looking around the kitchen to find a solution while trying my best to not get frustrated over the fact that I had dirty hands right now that were making me want to vomit. Why was I in the kitchen in the first place? If I hadn't come here then all of this wouldn't happen— the pills! "Fuck!" A loud groan left me as I was about to do— I don't know what but I would do something for sure.
       Just with enough force I spun just enough to stand right in front of the kitchen sink again, staring down the kitchen tap. I didn't really want to touch it, but it seemed like I was alone in my apartment right now and needed to do it. "Don't disgust me further." My dirty hands inched towards the tap slowly, fingers inching away each time they were about to make contact with it. This was even more frustrating than it seemed, trust me.
      After mare seconds of trying but failing miserably, I let out a loud frustrated groan, giving up and placing my forearms on the sink without touching anything with my hands directly. Though as soon as I felt some kind of fluids make contact with my forearms, I immediately jerked them away and was ready to tore down the next thing that would come to my sight. "Leonoraaaaa!!" I shouted one more time, this time more desperately, hoping that maybe they haven't gone home yet and that they simply were sleeping or not hearing him for some reason.

        "What is it— why are your arms up in the air?" As the familiar voice finally filled up the empty apartment, my head turned almost instantly towards the sound, seeing my sibling stand in the doorway of the spare room where they were sleeping inside of. Still in their pajamas and their short blue hair all over the place and face of theirs.
        "Help me out here, pleeeaasee..." I practically begged them at this point. "I touched the pizza and then some fluids touched me..."
       "Yap, I get it, I get it, calm down..." Leonora said as they walked up closer towards me, looking more like dragging themselves closer to me while being half-asleep and even yawning while talking. God, I really woke them up.
          "I didn't mean to wake you up..." A mumble left me as I watch them approach me, my hands still up in the air as my fingers twitched to the cold air hitting the disgusting feeling of being dirty.
           "It's fine, I was supposed to get up in 10 minutes either way. Come on, wash your hands now." They said mid yawn as they slipped past me, making sure to not make any physical touch on accident with me as they reached out and turned on the water in the sink for me. God I loved them for being my sibling.
           "I love you..." I mumbled as I reached my hands down towards the water stream that slowly hit my hands and washed the disgusting dirty thing off my hands. It felt so good to have my hands all clean again.
           "Yeah, yeah... I love you too..." *Leonora said mid yawning as they leaned against the countertop and waited for me to be ready as it seemed.

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