Chapter 3

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.•°•.☆ Leo

Ugh, my day got ruined. Not only am I walking with a headache right now because of the fucking hangover that I am on right now from yesterday's party, but also because I had a fight with my damn bestfriend. I really did jinx it, didn't I? I didn't have a fight with Nathan in years and right today needed to be the damn day that it would happen. Why is it always me? And in the end, the fight was because of me. Simply because I couldn't hold my temper in hold and once again had snapped at the poor guy. I understand that he wants to help me and that he simply cares about me and wants the best for me but he seriously does not need to act like my father of some sorts. He is my age, for godssake. 22 to be exact. Just because he is one month and two days older than me, doesn't mean that he can be my parent or something.
I let out a soft groan as I walked up closer to my precious baby— aka my Yamaha r7. Smooth like babies bum matte black surface and the great angry and dangerous look of it. Just perfect. And god, the fact that it has 749cc and top speed of 262km/h is just making the adrenaline rush even better when you ride it. Is it dangerous? Yes. Do I love it? Absolutely. How did I afford it? Yes— I mean... uh... yeah.. that's a different story to be told.

I walked closer to my precious baby, fiddling up inside of my leather jacket pockets, trying to find my keys inside of them in order to even start my motorcycle in the first place. As soon as I found the bundle of metal in the depth of the warm from the sun pocket, I grabbed a hold of it and pulled it out, taking a look down on it in order to find the right key that would fit my engine but instead... my keys got fiddled up in my self-made dinosaur keychain with some flags on it. Fuck my luck. At this point I don't know if I should take that as a sign and not take my bike and take bus instead. Or my skateboard— nah, not an option. Nathan is still up in the apartment and I didn't want to see him right now. That would make things worse. Haaa...
Standing there in front of my bike in the middle of the parking lot, wearing my black helmet over my head and face, and fiddling up with the keys in my hold, clearly gave me some stares. I mean, why wouldn't someone want to stare at me? I am a damn biker boy. With a sweet bike. In a helmet and— "Fuck this visor." I grumbled out as I reached out and pushed it up to see more clearly, finally flipping the keys in the right order at which I smiled, feeling really proud of myself. Hehe... Either way, I took a look up, noticing some girls staring at me and whispering along some giggles between each other so I reached my and up and gave them a little wave at which they squealed in happiness and quickly turned around to walk away. I chuckled. "I love you.."

Though..., if only they knew about— @:$-:::&3/******— hm? Right, my bike. I just spaced out. lol.

Taking a big step, I swung my leg over the sweetness and took a seat on it, getting myself all comfy before pushing the right key up in the engine and revving it up. Ah~~ the sound. Perfect.
I sat all comfy on it, enjoying the nice vibrations underneath myself— no, not in such a way— as I reached my hand down into my inner side picked in my jacket and took my phone out in order to connect the Bluetooth with the earphones in my ears. And the first thing coming up was 'Beautiful Things' by Benson Boone. "Sorry Benny, but things aren't as beautiful today. Next." 'Belong Together" by Mark Ambor. "For fuck— no." 'I love you so' The Walter's. "No... come on! Give me something not so fucking lovely dovely here!"
Just there, I click skip and Hallelujah— "Middle finger! Perfect."— 'Middle Finger' by Bohnes comes through. "Now we're talking."

And so the rides begins.

Standing on red lights is the absolute best. Why? Well... dance breaks! Yes, I am that dance break weirdo biker boy. It must look weird as hell but I don't really give a shit about it since I am living my life right now, dancing a little on my bike to a song called 'Ome Robert' by Joost, not minding it one a bit that the lyrics are Dutch and I don't understand a single word or that the chorus literally is; "suck my dick, bitch" but it's kiiiillllin' right now.
That was till a black Mercedes stops on the red light next to me and the driver rolls the passenger window down
"Nice moves, biker boy." The person said at which I chuckled and turned my head to look over at it but it was too late since the light turned green and I only grasped a glimpse of brown locks before the car distanced itself away from me.
"Was that a twink hitting on me..?"
Omg, Leo, think before talking. You're lucky no one heard you. Jesus Christ. Though my thoughts quickly got interrupted by a honk behind me at which I raised my hand in apology before starting my bike and driving once more. Need to study on my think-first-say-later thing.

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