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Wide awake at 3am, she lays alone in bed, and her body instantly morphs into Kyle's and then back to herself. Sensing the quick adjustment, her psychic vision then kicks in, as she sees Kyle with another woman at a restaurant. With them finishing their food, he looks over at the women, and says, "I'll get the gas this time."

Within seconds, the psychic vision fades, and dark distorted grotesque images come at her face and hit her from every direction. As they move back seconds later, she then opens her eyes. Looking over to the left, she then sees Geo's energy laying next to her, and then watches it slowly dissipate.

As she stares at the empty space, a light invisible suction cup then touches the top right side of her forehead. With it slowly moving and tickling, her back and muscles are then pushed on, and she senses that it's Geo's energy. Closing her eyes once again, her second self floats up to him, as he reads the paper.

With him sensing her, he doesn't look up from reading the paper, and says, "You're not a bad person. You're mostly good. There's just a lot of confusion in your brain, especially within the last couple of years. You also need to know that my energy has been with you for a long time. You just didn't even know till this year."

"Really?" she says.

"Wait here. Don't go nowhere! I want to show you something," he says, as he gets up from the recliner, and walks into another room, and jumps on the washing machine. Turning on the spin cycle, he then says, "You can feel me. I'm sitting on the washing machine."

"What is that?" she yells out loud, as she lays in bed with her stomach turning.

"I'm sitting on the washing machine. You're a f*ckin witch. Luna, our energy is going to close in a few seconds," Geo yells back.

"What the f*ck? Is that necessary?" she yells with her eyes closed. With them staring at one another, she then sees Geo holding a handmade voodoo doll in one hand, and a drill in the other hand.

What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" she says, as she looks up at him, as he stands over her, holding a long white drill over the middle of her forehead. As he turns it on, it hits her forehead, and the pressure comes on strong, and she then says, "Why are you giving me a lobotomy?"

"Because there will always be something there for you to remind me," he says with a laugh, as he turns the drill off.

As purple oozes slowly runs down her face and onto her nose, it then goes into her mouth, and she says, "Are you kidding me?"

Luna," he says, as he fades out, black and while dark grotesque faces swarm, and comes towards her and then back away around her face. Instantly, her back is pulled on, and her body is smaller than usual, as de-ja-vu hits, while the ringing in her ears blasts. As her body pops in and out, matching Geo's, she puts her hands up to her ears to drown out the noise.

With his energy banging on her back, she then watches her 2nd self cross her legs, as her elbows lean on her thighs. Instantly, her body tightens, and she senses that she's being pinned down.

Feeling her left inner arm having a tug, and even though there's still extreme pressure on her head.

"What is it?" Kyle says, as he walks in the room, as he coughs and sneezes in twos.

"Oh! It's nothing," Luna says, as Geo's energy hits and pinches her back. As she stands up, she stretches and the pressure, banging, and pinching on her vagina hits her three times. Giving him a quick look, she then says, "I'll be back."

With his energy on her body, she then watches him through her psychic vision, and she gets out of bed. With the energy lifting off her, she senses that he's looking at her through social media.

Feeling her left inner arm having
"What? What is it?" Kyle says, as he watches her.

"There's a cramp in my lower back," she says, as she rubs her lower back, as she watches his energy transfer onto hers. Within moments, her muscles in her arms are squeezed, while her psychic vision kicks in of seeing him talking on the toilet talking to another women. Reading Kyle's energy, her second self-crosses her arms, and kisses him on the lips.

"Do you want me to rub it?" he says, as he gives her a double look.

"Nah! I'm good," she says, as she rubs her lower back. Closing her eyes, she then tries to read even further, but her body jerks, as a spell book appears, and the pages flip in her vision.


Thanks For Reading!
J. Sweet


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