Chapter 11

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Calla slept like the dead. She must have fallen asleep during dinner because she didn't remember going to bed. Checking the time, she sees its just past six in the morning. Time for a shower and breakfast before seeing if James would let her into his mind again.

Walking into the kitchen, Calla didn't realize she wasn't alone until she turns towards the table. "Oh, sorry. I didn't think anyone else was up"

James looked Calla over, she was in shorts and a tank top, she was also barefoot. "Couldn't sleep".

Calla nods, "Understandable. Do you want some breakfast? I don't think I finished my dinner" she laughs. 

"You had maybe five bites before you passed out. Tony carried you to bed"

"Thought so. Food" James nodded and Calla proceeded to make bacon, eggs and toast. Setting a plate in front of James, she sat down beside him.

James couldn't get a read on Calla Stark. How could she sit next to him, like he wasn't a monster. He knew what she had seen in his head yesterday. He had killed her parents!

Calla looked over at James, "I don't hate you if that's what you're thinking. It wasn't your fault. Tony and I have both known for years and neither of us blame you. It's part of the reason we offered to help Steve find you"

James could only stare, finally finding his voice "Thank you, for freeing me from Hydra and helping me now"

"Oh, we're not done yet Mr. Barnes" taking her plate to the sink, she jokes "You've got another date with me in your mind"

Finishing his food, he puts his plate in the sink, "Shall we" Calla smiles and leads him back to the room he was assigned. 

"Where" he starts.

"You'll be more comfortable laying down. I'm not sure how long this session will take" James nods, leading Calla into the room he slept in. He walks over to the bed while Calla summons a chair to sit on. 

"How did you do that" James asked, shocked.

Smiling, Calla says "I'm a witch but I also have powers thanks to the infinity stones" motioning to the bed, "Lay down and we can begin"

James does as she asked, looking into her bright greens eyes, he can feel when she slips into his mind.


The memories were all horrible, this man had lived through absolute hell. It took her a couple hours to find the memories of where the marks on his face came from, the ones in the picture she noticed. Watching as the strapped him into the chair, his screams from the pain, Calla wanted to throw up. 

They shocked him with high voltages, physically and mentally tortured him, removed his memories, froze him and turned him into a weapon. Calla hadn't realized she was projecting her anger into her magic. When James body moves, she doesn't notice until she's ripped from his mind.

James comes to and sees Calla is pinned beneath him, his robotic arm is wrapped around her neck. Her face is red, his fingers squeeze on her windpipe. She's not screaming or showing fear of him. When the door busts open, his head turns to see Steve and Tony.

Tony puts his hands up, "Hey, how about you calmly release my sister" neither man wanted to set the man off.

Removing his hand, James steps away slowly with his hands up. Tony rushes over to check on his sister while Steve checks on his friend.

"Are you okay Bucky, what happened" Steve asked. James could only shake his head. He hadn't meant to hurt her. 

Tony pulls Calla off the bed, checking her over "You okay Bunny, do you need a doctor?" 

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