Twilight Kisses

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If kissing you were possible in this life,

Then what hope is there of bliss?

If that true happiness is in life's strife,

How can heaven be better than your kiss?

Then let the night be our shade,

In the world- our sheltered glade.

Damned be the morn, we'll chase it's rise,

And make merry under the darkened skies.

Should making merry under darkened skies

Mean kissing your lips under the moonlight?

If so, I could keep you 'til morn

Joy is an understatement

I feel twice and more

The blushing moon is our only light,

Hush, my dear, she shines so bright.

As I taste your cherry lips tonight,

Leave not my side till morning light.

Keep me warm by your love

It's getting cold out

I could stay like this forever

I wish we could stay like this

For if you leave I'll doubt it's just a dream,

Of Love and Imagination bursting at the seam,

And, melting into the oblivion of time,

My life loses reason to rhyme.

When the sun shines I hope it's you that I see

First thing in the morning, on your favorite white tee

If someday, something will break this

I'll keep your rhymes, this I promise

If the sun shines, there will I be,

By the side of the one who makes me..

If I am not there, then I am no more,

A man is nothing without his core.

Oh how I'll love it when the sun shines then

Because I'll open my eyes and you'll still be there

All my life, I've only got sunsets

You make the sun rise for me

But I understand if you need to sleep,

You go ahead, leave me to weep..

I'm used to it now, after so long,

The shadows of memories begin to throng.

Don't make me go dear, it breaks me

I can stay awake to stay with you

Sleep is something I don't consider when I'm with you

So kiss my tears away

I could write an ocean, and still have more,

You are the reason I'm not so sore.

If you'd hold me tonight, I'd show you why,

And there'd be no more tears to cry.

I'm afraid if I'll hold you, I'll break you

And you might disintegrate away from me

But your kisses keep these thoughts away from me

Keep me warm until then

It's really alright, I understand,

If you'll only hold my hand.

Tell me its okay, try to pretend.

It's what keeps us warm in the end.

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