The Elders, and Law

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Without One to appoint them directly, a flock of sheep is left to be herded in the masses of disharmony. It is only by the divine guidance of their steward who can lead them, by great example, to the way of everlasting waters and green, green pastures.

Elders, preservers and maintainers of Light, are servants of an All-Encompassing mass of mystery and essence. They uphold the values, teachings, and consciousness of what is meant to be. Elders are stewards by Spirit, not to be mistaken for The Shepard.

The responsibility of these keepers of wisdom is to teach great values, preach to the masses, rule and appoint. However, be not mistaken by the subject of the ruler, in this context, an Elder who rules is an enforcer of Higher Conscious Laws and Paths; not a sovereign.

The Common Law
An Elder speaks the things which are in accordance to the Law, they do not dictate. For an Elder was once like the youth, and the youth can become like the Elder through proper mannerism and teachings. Elders speak the same things as the collective One who have good counsel in their heart and spirit. There should be no division in the Divine Countenance and Court.

Division, Misconceptions, and Judgement
With division comes the destruction of love, of heart, and welcomes a biased judgement that ventures too soon into its reign. An Elder is not a judge, in reality, there is no appointed judge. For none that are like Us are above the Laws in which we can not see and perceive, and none beneath Us could ever hope to achieve such a feat. So it is the responsibility of an Elder to guide many with an unchanging and pure heart full of love and possessing trustful intentions for the betterment and progression of a people.

The moment an Elder judges is the moment when that Elder falls from honor, glory, and grace. It is no One's job to condemn, make judge based decisions and biased calls, spew blasphemy, and anoint sovereignty/superiority to another. There is only One Higher consciousness that can make such a call, through a loving heart and grace; call that essence what you will. The Lord God, the Existential Universe, your loving and glowing Higher Self. They are all interconnected as much as we are All connected, for there can only be One; the One that can bear witness to, encompass, be, and treasure All.

There is no division in that All-Encompassing Unity, but there can be division within us. For a heart full of judgement is a heart full of conflict. Those who dwell amongst division seek to only fill their belly, and because they are not in the Light of our Beloved standard, Law, and All- Encompassing truth they become void. For there is only an abundant wealth of sustenance in the Truth that our Elders steward - and steer - us to know.

The words of the divided become smooth and short like the benediction of the English language. For the speech of the said language is short lived in expression and passion. We are very expressive and passionate Beings when we are composed in our natural truth and course. The English language and abbreviations of expressions - not words, feeling - take away from our essence and core. It is then that the divided seek quick and instantaneous paths - for patience does not remain in their heart - to deceive our simple hearts. It is important to note that it is not our mind, heart, or spirit that is simple, for our Higher Countenance, Consciousness, and Mass is as complex as the stars. The ways in which we are meant to live is simple, loving, carefree, and ever flowing, but it is our carnal - let us not forget we are also human - that can be disturbed.

Their words are not complex, we are, but their speech is rather disrupting in frequency and nature. With the knowledge of good and evil, we know what it is to have our focus averted. It is important that One realigns themselves and worry not about the covenant of their soul, so long as One stays true to The Higher Consciousness and Beloved Creator.

There is only One who dwells within and outside of Us, allow for what's natural to run its course through your waters.

Now, as we progress in this story it is important to remember the role of our Elders.
❥ Ase

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