Love At First Sight Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic Part 11

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When I woke up the plane was about to land. Louis was looking out the window and Kaylee and Erica were talking in the seat across from us. Lou looked over at me and smiled. "Your up!" he exclamied. I giggled. "Yes I am but why are you so happy?" I asked. "Because I want you to see England!" he said pointing out the window. I looked out. I was sunny and really pretty. "Wow." I said in amazement. Everyone started to get off the plane so Louis, Kaylee, Erica, and I grabed our suit cases and started to walk off. When we got in the airport it was a lot different from the one I'm used to seeing. I probably would have gotten lost if Louis wasn't there. We reached a cab that took us pretty far. "You live far from the airport." I said giggling. "Yea thats why when I travel I have to get up so early and it sucks." he told me. I'm sure it did. I hate getting up early myself. We finally arrived at Louis' house after a long cab ride. We all walked in his house. It was really nice in there. I set my suit case down in his room. "Hey want to go over to the house next door?" I asked Kaylee and Erica. "Yea." They both replied. I looked over at Louis he sat down on the couch. "We'll be back!" I shouted to him before closing the door. He nodded. We walked over to the house. It looked really nice on the outside. "Should we call them?" Erica asked pointing to the for sale sign. I nodded. Erica pulled out her phone and dialled the number. After talking for what seemed like hours she came over to us and told us they got the house. I was really excited because now I live with my boyfriend and my best friends live next to me. They walked back to the house and grabbed there stuff. Then I remembered I only packed for a week so I needed clothes. "Hey Lou I'm going out to buy new clothes." I said grabbing my wallet. I need a lot of stuff. I went over to Kaylee and Erica's house. They needed furniture too. We went out the rest of the day. We got a bunch of clothes and Erica and Kaylee got some furniture. Not to much but they're going to get the rest tomorrow. I put the clothes neatly in Louis' closet. "Well I got clothes to last for a bit." I said to Louis as I sat on the couch next to him. He just smiled. "Its getting late love wanna go to bed?" he asked. "Sure." I said a bit excited. It was my first night sleeping in England. I woke up really early for some reason. I got up and made breakfeast. I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Louis got up later on and ate. This is going to be great. I love England so far.

~7 years later~

Well I think I can say that I have the best life ever. I'm married to Louis Tomlinson and we have a 2 year old son together. I watched as my son ran around trying to catch Harry. It was so cute. I wouldn't switch my life with anyones. My best friends were sitting next to me, Louis was sitting with the boys just talking, and my son was still running around. I honestly love living in England and I love being with everyone here.

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